The Truth Behind the Smoke

Fuck feelings. Fuck relationships. This is a massive fucking exposure and it’s going to fucking suck.

The County Executive

The County Executive is the exact definition of regret. His decisions have time and time again shown his true colors, and this is not a first either. Please allow me to explain below some of my points.


The County Executive defines himself as a communist, fascist, Führer, and other repulsive terms which shines a terrible light on the County Government and its operations. His intentional and custom made manifestations have gotten progressively worse over time, and it is understandable to fear what such ideals and thoughts this could have on SCSO.

The following image contains Nazi imagery.

Nazism is associated with ideals and views of extreme discrimination, anti-democracy, suppression of popular opinion, outright dictatorship, and flat out racism - which is why I’m the least surprised TimothyConyers was appointed as his frontman. Even if this is all one massive joke, how can you respect someone who actually believes in the values you’ve been told not to all of your natural life?

Ironically enough, the County Executive reset his name shortly following the dismissal - take a guess why.


Patchy voted himself into the position of County Executive.

Indeed, this is the fault of the legislation and County Charter, however plausible deniability should not warrant a lack of ethics. The correct decision would have been to abstain.

Patchy votes his friends into the positions of power, most notably the Office of the Sheriff. Three different times, he has attempted to place Skull into the position - while I don’t have a problem with Skull, one should recognize when something’s not working. Instead, his decision and infatuation with putting him in the spot has only hurt the department with unnecessary dismissals, angry and low-morale deputies, and a very toxic atmosphere no person would want to be around.

Three different nominations for the same by the same person.

I recognize that this is not America, but I would like to pull a quote from the United States Declaration of Independence:

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;

What be there a lighter cause than to put your friend in a good spot? What be there a more transient period than 24 hours as Sheriff, when Skull got confirmed the first time?

Press Secretary

(<3 @Kat4Katrina)

TimothyConyers was appointed Press Secretary following the resignation of Kat4Katrina for [unlisted] reasons. His first press release and session with the public proved his worth. Questions regarding the request for solid evidence were rerouted with ‘it was an administrative decision’. The County Executive failed to answer any questions, despite this being his idea and nobody else’s - don’t let the ‘administrative’ word fool you. Elite wouldn’t dare fire another one of his bosses, he wasn’t involved in the decision making.

TimothyConyers threatened to kill the Governor, which is Treason and Criminal Threats - then approached my DMs asking if Criminal Threats was a crime. A good frontman should know the law. This isn’t House of Cards, and you’re not Seth Grayson. Do your job and answer the question that was asked of you.

TimothyConyers was kicked from the SCSO Discord twice in two minutes, after being inserted into the chat by Patchy319, who made an invite for him, not caring about what anyone had to say.

The current CE stands for values that I would rather kill myself than agree with. While I must work under these very conditions, there is nothing wrong with calling them out.

I can not, in good faith, allow myself to remain silent in times like these.


Freeedom of Speeech

Under §I of the Bill of Rights, the aforementioned speech is protected and I am thus protected from termination;

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Right to Challenge

Any termination resulting from this thread will result in a court case, in accordance with §3E of the Employment Rights bill.

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Freedom of Information

Pursuant to §X of the Bill of Rights, I hereby make a formal request to @anon89270917 and his ‘administration’ for proof and reasoning behind the dismissal of Noctilate.

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This is well written. I 100% support this.


I was banned… and I changed my name when I returned

Disgusting our departments trust people to do this…


You just made an attempt to defame the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office for banning you with a gay porn image attached.

a non-SCSO moderator banned you and is currently undergoing revocation status.


Please refer to these two cases + 2 other cases that affirm I am not an employer.

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I still remain protected under FOS.

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so we got 2 criminals behind this, this only gets better and better

all i can say as a senator is that legislation is being made to prevent things like this from happening


The reasoning behind this was provided at the Press Briefing, we even answered questions.

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‘We’ is your frontman.
You failed to answer any questions.


Three times, the first time was legit, then I was illegally removed by the Governor which was proven in court which is why I was nominated again which I did not ask for, now this time the other candidate, Undersheriff himself literally said I would be a better Sheriff, so it’s kind of obvious what to do then, any imbecile would nominate me, it isn’t bias, it’s common sense.


You can put my name under co-sponsor…


Same here, Straphos.


Considering canine did the same thing, he dismissed Maximus from POST director and barely released reasons and justification…

It is my cabinet, and I will manage it how I please.

If I believe my departments are not performing to the best of their ability, I will take actions to ensure such performance is met.

We may as well restrict the governor’s abilities over his cabinet?


when you can’t do something responsibly, you shouldn’t be allowed to do it at all :woman_shrugging: we’ll see how that goes for you there bud

the governor is responsible, no need to restrict power. if you think that the problem isn’t the law, but it’s you, i mean an impeachment is a more viable option then?


No need to bring up the governor so you can change the topic…


He was clearly being targeted by the mods. He was even muted for this reason:

Oh I am responsible. I knew, and my administration knew, a change was necessary for the prosperity of our county.

I didn’t do anything illegal when dismissing Noct. It was done completely legally, so I have no grounds to be impeached. I have seen support from the County Affairs Committee, and numerous silent supporters.

I was using him as an example. The situations can be very similar to other situations.


you fired noct and used ‘member count’ as an excuse after DHS opened apps and literally took like 40% of SCSO and blamed it on noct