The situation (Tor_Laws' story)

Hello, I just woke up and I saw a ban from the FDOC Discord “No criminals” I was like tf? And then saw SCSO announcements. POST Certification revoked, DPS blacklisted. I did read trough their “proof” which is completely false, I would never say any of these words. DPS and Captain SkullGutGuy’s actions is bias. Their claims of me being bias is also false. Is reporting a disrespectful Deputy after months of insults being bias? I will take this to court and I will contact Firestone Bureau of Investigations for possible investigation as this is corruption. They claimed I “resigned to avoid termination” the truth is I was never aware of any termination. The involved will be sued for Evidence Tampering and False reporting crime. In the meantime I request all of you to focus on your work.



Those who follow the path of the righteous
Shall have their reward
And if they fall as Lucifer fell
The flame, the sword!

Stars, in your multitudes
Scarce to be counted
Filling the darkness
With order and light
You are the sentinels
Silent and sure
Keeping watch in the night
Keeping watch in the night

You know your course and your aim
And each in your season returns and returns
And is always the same
And if you fall, as Lucifer fell,
You’ll fall in flames!

And so it must be,
For so it is written
On the doorway to paradise
That those who falter and those who fall
Must pay the price!

–Stars, Les Miserables

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I mean, all you can do is get the blacklists revoked really. And technically, we can’t have you reinstated, as you have no POST Cert anymore (which is something we can’t return). If you want to, you can get your blacklist by DPS removed. But uhhh, you’re pretty much better off going to FNG or something rn until you get your Cert back

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Both DPS blacklist and POST blacklist.

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He said his certification was revoked, not that he was blacklisted /shrug. And even so, if we unblacklist him from POST he still has to do his tiers again as I assume his certification was revoked with it.

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FNG isn’t going to accept him while he’s DPS blacklisted for a crime. He’ll have to go to Nino’s Subs n Stuff for now.


So I reviewed the PSB and it is hilarious. I do suggest litigation to revert the blacklist, as well as perhaps a lawsuit for violating your right to trial as they basically acted as judge jury and executioner here without an arrest or conviction, as well as investigating an act they have no authority to investigate.


Well, I belive if the POST administration got a brain they would give me my certification back if it turns out that DPS was wrong.


Update: upon pointing out the flaws in this matter to DPS, the Chief Investigator preceded to falsely accuse me of corruption.


This guy is just making himself in worse a situation.

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someone post this at Firestone Memes


Well, Docklands and Firestone aren’t allied and were never allied during those 2 months.


i just got one thing to say:



This is a meme right now. First of all, don’t know who banned you but they didn’t do their research.

You should have your post cert back and be unblacklisted, tbh


Tbh, it sounds like to me you were paying legal fees via Limiteds.

Attorneys can charge legal fees in Firestone as long both parties agree, Its not uncommon nor is it illegal.

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The best thing to do in the future is to not be involved in things like this, then you won’t have to worry about anything…


I was thining the same thing, would be nice if you didn’t think my aurgments for the Supreme Court thyz

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I was never paid, if I were it would still be legal.

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