I think the point was that CST shouldn’t be a public figure, as their job entails a certain amount of secrecy to defend the citizens of our state, not that it was “legally classified,” in lack of a better term. I think a better substitute would be “CST’s exact tasks are best kept secret,” not to imply a legal classification, just to imply that their job shouldn’t Ben a public figure.
Both divisions should have good cohesion but obviously both sides still have beef with each other which I don’t like…
but i’m only your friendly neighborhood io chief, icey can decide how to run crt in whichever way he wants and im not gonna criticize him on it
Basically what I meant to say. I totally agree.
Oh no I don’t disagree. He can run it the way he wants to. Just I have a different opinion.
Furthermore, I am glad to see beast back. I feel that Commander Ryan and XO Beast will be able to rebound SWAT to what it was as that it can be once again viewed as a major and highly skilled tactical entity within the state. Hopefully the public will trust in this deduction as well and that the immediate sacrifice justified the greater good, and I commend @Fairfull for his selflessness and willingness to offer his services and commitment to our state to ensure that SWAT can retain it’s ability to protect our citizens.
Appreciate it. Long time no see. Hope you’re doing well man.
I am, and I trust you are as well. Would be nice to catch up some time. Great work in SWAT so far, and I hope that you and the rest of the command staff can continue to improve SWAT’s conditions.
Nice to hear. And thanks, I’ll get in contact.
I am hopeful results will come into the light, I mean after the beating SCSO/SWAT sustained by Patchy and the last few CEs, how worse can it really get?
The first time a reform takes place, you’d believe it.
The second time it happens, your motivation is shaken, but you still believe it.
The third time it happens, you realize that something’s not working and that it’s three times now you’ve taken a hit for something you didn’t do. It is in this moment that you realize that something’s not working in the command, and be it damned all those under them in light thereof.
I speak not on behalf of only myself, but to all those who also lost their ranks and employment tonight.
I reiterate a point I once made on the forums that SWAT is a full time division, and that being removed from the division is equivalent to the definition of the word ‘termination’. To be exact, operatives were terminated.
I don’t want to be told that I’m getting my rank back ‘in a few days’ and hear of this ‘reselection process’, because it’s really just a sugarcoated way of singling the undesirable operatives by selecting the desirables. It looks less hurtful, but it’s all the same. I’d rather be fired on the spot than not be selected. You all took the long way around to spare a few people their feelings, all the while giving the fuck-all-middle-finger to everyone else. It is in actions like these that a weak command is established. It is in actions like these that a command’s true colors are revealed, and that is what always happens. An Operative looks up to his superiors - to imply (and oh boy, ‘imply’ is putting it lightly) that a reform will improve the quality also implies that they’re the reason the division performs poorly, but the truth is, we’re just triggermen - we take your orders. Our low quality, too, is your quality. It is only when you realise that and change your approach to the entirety of the situation that you will truly fix this division.
As far as relations with CRT go, their agents, too, are triggermen. The triggermen don’t argue, it is in the command that the fuse will overheat, and eventually melt. I have, and will always extend a hand to our friends at CRT [@IceyTrigger @reptilar @Annoyingk1ds @Blastatack @MrSwagDawgFTW @Duartef @ForgottenJokes @spookdan @DeltaTrigger @ChrisSant] to build relationships as far as our operatives are concerned. I will continue to strive towards the points made in my document, but I shudder at anyone who dares say that Operative quality is lacking.
A child’s behavior is a representation of how his parents raised him. These parents raised their children badly (as they say) and then threw them out.
What does this say about you?
I believe Mark will release them. It was bad let me just tell you though .
@Markehabashi ^
oh jesus
Stop putting words in my mouth. I told you to get in the CRT F150 simply because there were like 4 CRT on and I wanted you to stick with us.
I have NOTHING against SWAT, and look forward to the reforms in order to better our relations.
Watch what you say, master.
I’m just saying that SCSO/SWAT has been messed up by so many incidents that it’s only possible for it to get better now, right? Can’t get any worse
uh oh icey is here. get down
Exercise your god damn rights for all I care, don’t say I dislike SWAT when I have made no such statement myself.
Who do you think has to answer to the statements you put out there about CRT/SWAT Relations. That’s right, I do. Speak for yourself.
Good to know. I look forward to helping relations more tight-knit.
You’re acting like I spread all this toxicity and I’m the reason relations are damaged.
Even if relations weren’t good, you’re not helping the cause by saying things I never said myself.
The downfall was due to multiple small and big incidents. Correct.