The purge in FS. Yes or no?


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U hope the new senators are dumb… nice

~sent from my iPhone sneaking in science class

No, I am saying that this is just unacceptable to even present and that I would gladly help write up an expulsion for them as this isn’t something we should be pass at all but it’s not like I can write up an expulsion without a representative to sponsor

who voted for this man

Top 10 questions scientific can’t answer

imagine removing an elected official for proposing legislation


That could be a good idea…:thinking:

no, thats stupid. He was just doing his job, if you don’t like what he proposes than don’t vote for him next cycle.


Technicaly… He’s making a really bad reputation within the house and the congress in general.

He is meant to makes law that are to benefit the people, listen to the people and protect the people, this is not doing that as you are making v2 chaos for more than a day and I highly doubt people are gonna be on a time schedule and be like “oh the purge is over lemme stop doing crime” nah they are most likely gonna continue doing it

there’s a way.

Uhhhhhhh what please elaborate

Very wrong, a Representative acts in the interest of those who voted for him, hence the name. If you’re mad about a perfectly legal bill that had tons of civis co sponsering it than tough luck. Don’t vote for clone next term… but to take an elected official out of office for not doing anything illegal is wrong. Yes the purge amendment is a meme but it doesn’t justify a removal from office.


Theoretically, you possibly could remove a man for writing this type of bill with the “failure to discharge duties” but that is impphh honestly and me and you know this. However, at least just listen from my viewpoint

This man is meant to uphold his office, yes he is going for the interest of the people but we must also realize that at a point you need to make a moral and reason call that “Would this bill honestly be something that would benefit us all?” Like honestly, this would cause chaos and just give us a bad reputation no matter how much it may improve us which I doubt there will even be a benefit

I have kinda calmed down from earlier and collected myself and yes, I do agree you can’t just remove a man from office because he made a bill we don’t like but he should also consider the consequences of even proposing and possibly passing such an amendment to the constituion.

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But yes, on a side note, the best way to get rid of people who propose these types of legislations that you may not agree with is to simply not vote for them next term and possibly even rally against them not being in office (in obviously a peaceful manner)

Also, a question real quick to you Nicolo, do you support this? Just curious @NicoloSkrt

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I had my name on the cosponser list because I honestly assumed it was an april fools joke lol. But no I don’t support the bill and ill nay it.

I pretty much did the same thing as Nicolo, guess I oofed.

There is not a way

Good evening. Throughout my term I have tried my best to be non-hostile, and fairly friendly. Recently, Representative Clonemep proposed “An Amendment To Release The Beast”. Essentially, what this amendment would do, was add an article (Article IX.) to the Constitution to authorize a purge within the State of Firestone. To be completely blunt, what the fuck was Representative Clonemep thinking? His logic behind the article was that this article would “reduce crime, increase productivity, and help the government.” I’d quickly like to say that that is the most bullshit thing I’ve heard in my entire term. This man was preparing to authorize the murders of innocent civilians. These actions are childish, immature, and overall idiotic. If he wants to make jokes, he should do so elsewhere. I’m truthfully embarrassed to even be associated with him after that stunt. Fortunately, the amendment has failed and hopefully we will not see its return anytime soon. I thank the rest of the House of Representatives for failing this legislation, and ensuring the safety of our people.

Governor of the State of Firestone


Looks stupid as shit? Yes.
Would I love to purge? Yes.