The love for this game is going downhill


Interesting video! Agreed ngl



gives off HEAVY animation youtube channel vibes, but very good and accurate info

in addition (and no hate to devs AT ALL, they are really working hard and trying) however upon beta release, there were so many bugs it was quite… ridiculous. it felt like it was kinda rushed just to get it out


facts :100:


They probably shouldn’t have based their release on a tazer


yep I agree they rushed v3 out so they could get 250 more dollars


Shouldn’t have been released when it was realised the game crashes every 20 minutes, not playable. No hate to the developers/founders but there’s just been so many bugs, not sure if there was a QA testing failure or what? The game literally still isn’t at a playable state, it crashes every 20 minutes.


Im sorry, but the management behind Firestone, and its development specifically, is, well, abysmal.

I mean this with all due respect to Fedora, Path, and the Lead Developers.
Firestones Project Management is tragic to say the least.

Firestone should have hired a 3rd party with the sole goal and job of running the development and ensuring everything was done, and on time. From the way V3 ran through dozens of scripters, to how it took 5 years, its sad.

V2 is an amazing game and im not sure why we need V3. V2 would be fine if it was just updated. V3 is less fun than V2 in almost every aspect in my opinion, and I think many others agree. Anyways it is extremely annoying that we keep getting false hope about V3 and that the community is run like this, I hope we can get change soon.

(Also I find it funny that the release of V3 was based on the addition of tazers instead of you know, ensuring the game was ready.)


it took gta 5 like 3 years to fully release, and its taken v3 like 4 or heck even 5 years to reach fucking beta
how can a roblox game take this long? compared to a game with A LOT of content


Even back in 2020-21 you used to see servers of 60, 70 people with queues higher than that. I remember seeing the game after a governor’s election and there were 6 full servers of players, ever since we hit mid 2022 i’ve almost never seen the game hit over 35-40 unless a special event was occurring. The premature launch of V3 killed the V2 activity and how many said, they should ditch V3 and totally revamp V2.


why did this feel like a matt patt video


V3 doesn’t work and let me explain why;

While the map is beautiful and creates interesting points, certain POIs (points of interest) we’re removed from the game prior to release, areas such as the sandbar which could create good RP.


Moving on, the map is great but most definitely does not have a high poly aesthetic to it, most buildings are parts yet cars appear to be mesh (they are in fact parts tho) and helicopters are mesh. It just does not work.


People have established themselves and their businesses in v2, while V3 is spectacular looking, businesses have not been planned out or put in v3, meaning that there is very little RP to do.


since when was the sandbar planned

no? lol

businesses are not the priority, departments are


The lil sandbar beech thing that had the bridge connecting


This game is entirely cops and and robbers, figured that’s attempt to change.


You mean the concrete docks?

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no wayyyyyyy its beta and theres bugs???


We will definitely try to provide for businesses, the major part is that current V3 has been in development for a little less than a year (when me and Adam joined the dev team) and as such we are having to pickup progress for a game that had been stalled for well over 2 years at that point. Our priorities are to get the game functioning and the departments what they need, however business are more than willing (and encouraged) to reach out to me in order for me to get a better understanding of what they would require in V3, it may not come immediately but I do have a goal to supply business with better support than what V2 has.


Thank you! :grinning:

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Very interesting video, pretty much sums up how a lot of people are feeling. Completely understand how hard the developers are working (you’re doing great, thanks for being good at ur jobs) but it seems like most people would agree v3 beta came out too early. Fed seemed to hype it up a lot, then initially a lot of people bought v3 then quickly realised that in the current stage there’s still fuck all to do. Even when v2 was getting updates, a lot of them were just shit tbh. Stuff like bicycles, roundabouts and paintball were cool for a day or two, then nobody really cared anymore.