The Hunger Games - Firestone Game Day #3

The Hunger Games

brought to you by: Firestone Game Day #3

District 1

  • colorful_parrots

District 2

  • MillieValor
  • Floatmanjason

District 3

  • Straphos
  • airplane1221

District 4

  • AuthorizedSteiner
  • Thekiller9056

District 5

  • ThinBlueLineEnforcer
  • GamaThePondBird

District 6

  • Cailin
  • NotoriousAmerican

District 7

  • Toastee_RBLX
  • SharpEyeJay

District 8

  • Ninjadude501
  • Shiba_Inus

District 9

  • Kat4Katrina
  • MrEmote

District 10

  • OfficerVideoGame
  • tesieleshan

District 11

  • SeanCityNavy
  • Ro_bertStrong

District 12

  • shysun
  • steelersben07

The Bloodbath: January 7, 2018 before 10 PM PST.


The Bloodbath

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

WINFAST gathers as much food as he can.

NotoriousAmerican runs away from the Cornucopia.

MillieValor and Straphos fight for a bag. Straphos gives up and retreats.

shysun runs away from the Cornucopia.

OfficerVideoGame runs away from the Cornucopia.

MrEmote runs away from the Cornucopia.

ThinBlueLineEnforcer runs away from the Cornucopia.

Cailin runs away from the Cornucopia.

Shiba_Inus runs away from the Cornucopia.

Ro_bertStrong runs away from the Cornucopia.

tesieleshan runs away from the Cornucopia.

Kat4Katrina runs away from the Cornucopia.

SharpEyeJay runs away from the Cornucopia.

steelersben07 takes a spear from inside the cornucopia.

colorful_parrots scares GamaThePondBird away from the cornucopia.

Ninjadude501 runs away from the Cornucopia.

AuthorizedSteiner snatches a pair of sais.

Thekiller9056 grabs a backpack and retreats.

SeanCityNavy runs away from the Cornucopia.

airplane1221 runs into the cornucopia and hides.

Floatmanjason runs away from the Cornucopia.

Toastee_RBLX runs away from the Cornucopia.

Day 1 Time: January 7, 2018 before 10 PM PST.


Day 1

Shiba_Inus collects fruit from a tree.

GamaThePondBird discovers a cave.

Straphos receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Thekiller9056, steelersben07, NotoriousAmerican, and OfficerVideoGame hunt for other tributes.

AuthorizedSteiner collects fruit from a tree.

WINFAST, SharpEyeJay, Ninjadude501, and Floatmanjason, raid Ro_bertStrong’s camp while he is hunting.

ThinBlueLineEnforcer stalks MillieValor.

Cailin picks flowers.

shysun searches for firewood.

Kat4Katrina and colorful_parrots hunt for other tributes.

Toastee_RBLX, tesieleshan, and airplane1221 hunt for other tributes.

SeanCityNavy is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

MrEmote receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Night 1 Time: January 7, 2018 after 10 PM PST.


Night 1

airplane1221 and Kat4Katrina huddle for warmth.

tesieleshan is awoken by nightmares.

Ro_bertStrong, Floatmanjason, Shiba_Inus, WINFAST, and Toastee_RBLX sleep in shifts.

MrEmote thinks about winning.

OfficerVideoGame receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

SeanCityNavy starts a fire.

colorful_parrots goes to sleep.

shysun, Ninjadude501, Thekiller9056, GamaThePondBird, and Cailin sleep in shifts.

ThinBlueLineEnforcer looks at the night sky.

AuthorizedSteiner, steelersben07, and SharpEyeJay discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

NotoriousAmerican is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

MillieValor thinks about winning.

Straphos receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Day 2 Time: January 8, 2018 before 7 PM PST.


Day 2

Thekiller9056 scares Floatmanjason off.

Kat4Katrina injures herself.

Toastee_RBLX overhears ThinBlueLineEnforcer and WINFAST talking in the distance.

AuthorizedSteiner kills SharpEyeJay as he tries to run.

Cailin receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Straphos overhears airplane1221 and tesieleshan talking in the distance.

Shiba_Inus thinks about home.

OfficerVideoGame tends to Ro_bertStrong’s wounds.

MillieValor chases Ninjadude501.

MrEmote fishes.

SeanCityNavy strangles steelersben07 after engaging in a fist fight.

shysun sets an explosive off, killing NotoriousAmerican, colorful_parrots, and GamaThePondBird.

Night 2 soon.


Fallen Tributes

5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

SharpEyeJay - District 5

steelersben07 - District 12

NotoriousAmerican - District 6

colorful_parrots - District 1

GamaThePondBird - District 5


Night 2

SeanCityNavy bleeds out due to untreated injuries.

Straphos receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

MrEmote quitely hums.

WINFAST sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Floatmanjason, Shiba_Inus, and Cailin cheerfully sing songs together. Cailin is off-note.

tesieleshan begs for OfficerVideoGame to kill him. He refuses, keeping tesieleshan alive.

shysun tries to treat his infection.

ThinBlueLineEnforcer, Thekiller9056, Ninjadude501, MillieValor, and Toastee_RBLX sleep in shifts.

Ro_bertStrong questions his sanity.

Kat4Katrina thinks about home.

AuthorizedSteiner destroys airplane1221’s supplies while he is asleep.


Day 3

ThinBlueLineEnforcer and tesieleshan work together for the day.

Ninjadude501 receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Toastee_RBLX steals from MillieValor while she isn’t looking.

Straphos defeats WINFAST in a fight, but spares his life.

shysun steals from airplane1221 while he isn’t looking.

AuthorizedSteiner tries to sleep through the entire day.

Kat4Katrina discovers a cave.

Shiba_Inus dies from an infection.

Thekiller9056 attacks OfficerVideoGame, but he manages to escape.

Cailin forces MrEmote to kill Floatmanjason or Ro_bertStrong. He refuses to kill, so Cailin kills him instead.


Arena Event

Wolf mutts are let loose in the arena.

MillieValor pushes Straphos into a pack of wolf mutts.

Kat4Katrina pushes Thekiller9056 into a pack of wolf mutts.

Cailin is crushed by a pack of wolf mutts.

shysun survives.

As Ro_bertStrong and ThinBlueLineEnforcer fight, a pack of wolf mutts show up and kill them both.

OfficerVideoGame survives.

AuthorizedSteiner survives.

Toastee_RBLX survives.

tesieleshan survives.

Floatmanjason survives.

As Ninjadude501 and airplane1221 fight, a pack of wolf mutts show up and kill them both.

WINFAST survives.


Fallen Tributes

10 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 11

District 8

District 9

District 3

District 4

District 6

District 11

District 5

District 8

District 3


Night 3

WINFAST tries to treat his infection.

Kat4Katrina convinces MillieValor to snuggle with her.

shysun receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Toastee_RBLX fends tesieleshan, AuthorizedSteiner, and OfficerVideoGame away from his fire.

Floatmanjason sets up camp for the night.


I apologize for not posting as things came in the way. Both days will be posted.


The Feast

The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes’ families.

Floatmanjason sobs while gripping a photo of his friends and family.

MillieValor decides not to go to The Feast.

shysun decides not to go to The Feast.

WINFAST throws a knife into Kat4Katrina’s chest.

tesieleshan overpowers OfficerVideoGame, killing him.

Toastee_RBLX severely injures AuthorizedSteiner and leaves him to die.


Day 4

Toastee_RBLX steals from Floatmanjason while he isn’t looking.

WINFAST throws a knife into tesieleshan’s head.

shysun strangles MillieValor after engaging in a fist fight.


Fallen Tributes

5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 9

District 10

District 4

District 10

District 2


Night 4

Toastee_RBLX passes out from exhaustion.

WINFAST destroys shysun’s supplies while he is asleep.

Floatmanjason looks at the night sky.


Day 5

shysun tries to sleep through the entire day.

Toastee_RBLX injures himself.

Floatmanjason receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

WINFAST searches for a water source.


Night 5

WINFAST and Toastee_RBLX sleep in shifts.

Floatmanjason ambushes shysun and kills him.


Day 6

Floatmanjason sprains his ankle while running away from WINFAST.

Toastee_RBLX questions his sanity.