The House Refuses to Serve the Interests of the Citizens, Again

Do you guys actually enjoy just shooting up CD every ten minutes?

Yes we actually do

A lots of gangs rise in fs and fall after 2 days

But that’s IF they get caught. Plus, laws wouldn’t deter criminals from committing crimes. If we pass a law that said you couldn’t drive, criminals wouldn’t walk.


Many don’t

Do realize that a criminal is someone who breaks the law so there isn’t supposed to be a law which favors them or is too lenient. Also, if you don’t want said consequences, either don’t break the law or stand out less. Majority of criminals in FS are caught and arrested due to their own stupidity, not thorough investigation. So next time you want to pull something off, don’t go around with a bright red SRT full of people bragging about plans, doing 120, and burnouts. That gives LEOs probable cause to stop and detain if necessary.


But let me be honest bank robbery are really hard when you have DHS CRT and SWAT on which is like 70% time now. After getting a 10k fine you need to farm like 10+ hours to pay that off unless someone’s donates.

I’m only against the 10k fine part. Why can’t it be like 5k?

Well, it’s the same thing with what @sentinelraven said, don’t drive around doing burnouts at 110 SPS with 4 guys in your car holding AKs out the windows talking about how you’re going to rob a bank then shoot up CD after. We took the oath, so it’s not our fault that we have to enforce laws properly.


I’ll be honest, it’s 10k because that’s the max fine possible

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Okay, you guys do you.

Also, yes we love shooting up CD since theirs nothing better to do also since we got nothing better to do

Fair enough. Not much dev support for smaller or more detailed crimes.

The main reason for shooting up CD is because that’s where everyone is.

Gangs do die really fast.

I say we have the House go into county and try to do our jobs guarantee they couldn’t


congress is congress. what’s new? lmfao

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it is about time the citizens of Firestone wake up and vote for the right people to serve as our congressmen and congresswomen!

Oh well i agree I get shot at a lot but I dont know how we can decrease crime as I think it will always be high.

This is why I’ll be officially announcing my candidacy for senate.

maybe idk

probably not