The House Refuses to Serve the Interests of the Citizens, Again

only 3 people at the session, probably cause it was Mother’s Day

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At least the senate has some brains.


This shows how out of touch you are with your own cops-and reality. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are flooding the criminal sect, allowing a firearms high rarely seen before. This is not victimless. Also, what about the officers that die stopping the robberies? Or innocent civilians used as shields?

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Both of the scenarios you mentioned are outside of the realm I’m talking about.

I’m talking about a bare bones bank robbery, NO strings attached. No hostage, no one dies, nothing. Only the robbery occurs. THAT should not be a minimum 10 hours.

Once you start talking about various issues involving hostages, deaths (especially of LEOs), etc. – THEN we can have varying degrees where the consequence increases to well over 10 hours.

Gotta agree with Danny on this one, being in FNG I see the amount of bank robberies that happen. Do I think it’s a cool addition into the game? Of course. But it’s gotten to the point where it’s just plain chaotic.


Still money used to fund murders.


I 100% agree and support.

Signed, G_abee.

SCSO Deputy
FNG Corporal

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session on mother’s day

this is the real problem.


I, like Danny, have to completely disagree. Although robbery itself does not have victims as the money is pulled from nowhere, it has countless indirect victims. A good portion of robberies also involve hostage situations, and almost all of them are armed. Countless LEOs and civilians have died due to these robberies, and without the proper legislation they are more common than they should ever be. Not to mention the fact that with the thousands of dollars criminals can get from a single robbery, they can supply themselves with weaponry for several lives, causing even more chaos and death within the county. Robbery is in absolutely no way a victimless crime


Well said.

Well said sir

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Tactical Units die more than ever, the most I have ever seen in my almost 2 years of SWAT. Outnumbered, worrying about laws about us and us being punished besides criminals shooting LEOs for a solid 5 minute straight, non damn stop. Laws aren’t working, we have to think outside of the box trying to see if we can charge them for something different. It’s cops and robbers, not Roleplay like how people say it is. We can’t even do regular traffic stops without us getting into shootouts by their gangs, getting targetted, evading every god damn second of V2. It’s not just bank robberies, it’s everything overall, people say “Oh, SWAT or SCSO doesn’t wanna roleplay” we are worrying about our damn lives getting when on scene to a regular 911 call or a bank robbery getting shot from the back.


You’re missing what I’m saying.
If theres a hostage situation, the charge increases.
If someone dies, the charge increases.
If they have a weapon, the charge increases.

If theres NONE of that, if its ONLY the base robbery with nothing else attached to it, it shouldn’t be a minimum 10 hours.

I have seen ONE, robbery that doesn’t meet one of these aggregating factors-and that was Philip being a meme


okay, speaking of this conversation. There was just 4 armed people shooting at LEOS at arbor residence just now. They all had automatic weapons.


Hmm…where do I even begin.

I feel like…I don’t know how to feel. Everything I’ve been complaining about (the vast majority of which has been addressed due to envelope and path) is coming to light now…If it were secondary for the reps position, I would have long been in there making change. I’m sorry it’s come to this, folks.

I commend DannyboyLaw for standing against these who care not about us and actually trying to make a change. Well said, well done.


The Stapleton County Government would love to define a punishment for this bill, however, we cannot do that legally (correct me if I am wrong). This is simply getting out of hand and needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

Chief of Staff
Stapleton County


It doesn’t matter how often it happens.

I’m supporting both a charge for when it does happen and a charge for when it doesn’t happen. Varying degrees depending on circumstance. I want to cover every circumstance with reasonable and just consequences, not simply loop everything into a presumptive box where we cannot enact effective criminal justice.

Gangs die after, we try to arrest them but we can only go so fast back to CD or Spawn to get them. So after that 1 min later we get shot at again. If we do manage to arrest for 15 min we do and after they come to kill us again. There is too many people doing these crimes to focus on 1 person to go to court and sentence 1 person out of 1 million to prison.


Skye, maybe a little off topic. But have you ever been a LEO of some sort within Firestone?