The Firestone Gun Thread

Hello fellow Firestonians! As you know, our great County has a lot of cool guns, LEO and civilian alike. Which one(s) is your favorite?

Personally I like the Tec-9. Nice capacity, automatic, and hits well.

Note: Before some froob tries to impeach me, I have a permit

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Are there Gun Classes?

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Not technically defined, no. But we have pistols, rifles, assualt rifles, and shotguns I believe.

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There should be a bill amendment adding in Gun Classes so, there can be more regulation such as. A Semi Auto Rifle is a Class 3/2 And you need to get Class 1 Cert, attend a Gun Safety Class, and then you go to a Class 2 Qualification Exam. Then you need to attend classes every 3 months to keep your Gun Licences. Just my idea.

My Favorite LEO gun is the Beretta M9, packs a punch.


You make an interesting point. Would be cool. Because obviously I’d use my magic judge powers to attend max classes and just walk around SC waiting for someone to attack me. GIVE ME YOUR MONEY they will say, pulls out AK-47 I will respond.

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oof, Vigilante DannyboyLaw


The shotguns we used to have in FSP were nice. I didn’t really get to shoot them because it is a service weapon.

Best gun is M4A1 that FDOC has. :wink:

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Having a AKM would be nice or a AK-12 modified to use 7.62 with a RDS

ng hk16 and m4a1


What CRT needs is a sniper


Sounds pretty tactical.


I like the G36C and the MP5.

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