Thanks Firestone Byee!

I Know for a FACT 88.8%+ People reading this don’t give a crap and you should NOT give a crap as I haven’t really done anything in Firestone like accomplish anything other than being a criminal which most of the time no one gives a FUDGE about you but I don’t care for those who DO care you may read on.

Tonight is my final night on Firestone and I would like to thank Firestone citizens for giving me an amazing time. Sure I hate a decent amount of LEOs but the majority of them roleplay well and are honestly good people. I’m not leaving just Firestone as I only played ROBLOX because of Firestone. I am leaving ROBLOX period…I’ve been called ‘forum hobo’ a lot in-game and sadly it’s kinda true. Firestone has me kinda addicted to a drug and I need some time away from video games and I need to focus on myself IRL. So yeah Goodbye my good citizens!

I Would like to thank the following for reasons.

Patchy for roasting me in VC awhile ago as well as being supportive on most of my Forum topics
DannyboyLaw for giving me good info and helping me use common sense
Shadow_Pentatonix for being a Great cop to me and being very informative.
Nermonile for always supporting me on Topics and being a great dude, and TheBloxKiller123.
Kat4Katrina for being very Understanding and attempting to help re-build Commerence and taking all my suggestions into consideration for Commerce.

And for all the other great Citizens and Police officers who have helped me out instead of hating on me.
Firestone was Honestly the best RP game I’ve ever played oh, and thx to Doktor from roasting me from time to time lol. I Will miss Firestone and I know a lot of you hate me and don’t care and I will prob become a Meme but -shrug Thx bye bb ~ P.S TheGuyNoOneGivesAcrapAbout. Stay strong SCSO Straphos is an amazing Sheriff, DHS Is good just needs some better HICOMM, Cough cough Jish. and FSP Is doing great for the most part. FD rock on, and DOT,DPW I love ya fams


nobody gives a flying horse shit


i second that

also who the fuck are you trying to say that dhs needs better hicom? jish is literally one of the best if not the best person for his position so gtfo


hol up- he needed to help you use common sense wtf

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Bye! Remember to checkout my website and soundcloud! ( and I got pickle parodies there!

I will miss your cringeyness and stuff.


Lovely Hitman, I left Firestone and I didn’t give A ‘flying horse shit’.


Thx! lol and while ur at it why not check out my favorite singers, Ryan Oakes: NF: And Breaking Benjamin:


Gonna miss you on the forums lol


Bye. Don’t let the haters ruin your fun.


Another shitpost?

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:frowning: My comment was removed for being “offtopic” according to people @Kat4Katrina

Maybe because it is.

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Ill miss you on the forums. I actually did the zombie apocalypse event and it was lit. Thx for exposing the FRPers and posting good discussions. You’re in like the FS Hall of Crime cause you have like 200 something arrests. :joy:


I can delete your forums account now you forums hobo. <3


wow RIP, I lost someone to argue with :c


Ty for not being one of the criminals that FRP constantly

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