Good evening, Firestone!
Firestone Forums is the result of the Roblox Forums shutting down, the main source of our legislations and elections in the State of Firestone. I’ve started to host this forums from my pocket money for the first couple months. Surprisingly, this idea took off with the support (after some convincing) of FedoraMasterB98. Now, we run off of community donations via Patreon. It’s been a strong 6 months, and I am thrilled to see the forums grow and actually be of a good use to Firestone.
As of May 22, we see around 1,300 users with around 2,300 topics, 26,200 posts, and 13,600 likes. This is incredible as I have never envisioned this for the forums. People began to either stick with Discord conversations and google docs for legislations. I am thankful for the users for respecting this space that I have created. I have tried my best to create a non toxic and free environment within this forums, and I plan to continue to do so until the funds go dry.
The only biased intervention I’ve taken is permanently banning a couple users. Fuck them, to be honest lmao.
Once again, thank you very much, and I hope you all continue to use the forums to express your opinion respectfully, and continue with your firestone career.