TateSnowy 4 County Executive | Jobs not done

TateSnowy 4 County Executive

Hello, I’m TateSnowy. I’m currently running for the position of County Executive in the wonderful State of Firestone. Having been in and out of Firestone for many years I know the importance of having good representation for this community. I have grown impatient with the lack of progress and leadership that has been shown, and I strive to improve that in every way shape and form.

The people representing you have failed; they have done nothing for you and have not taken any feedback whatsoever. For me this will not be the case, with this election I will be able to reconnect the people, and we can strive for an active and exciting community once again.

With my 2 terms in the House of Representatives, Standing in the community, and positive business outreach. I know together we can achieve great things.

Vote & Support 4 TateSnowy, your voice matters the job isn’t done.


cba to read speech

support fully

I, Representative juskentrell fully support and endorse the campaign of TateSnowy. Job’s not done yet.

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I, Busiedcomb, endorse TateSnowy’s Campaign, and hope me and him have a amazing free and fair election when the voting begins.

Support aswell^

The comeback is happening. Support.

support and endorse please save us tate

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Go tate! Support

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Being that I’m currently parked outside his house, I’ll support

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Support & endorsement!




i support

I support an endorse this fine individual.

Support & Endorsed,

Stapleton County Port Authority


Support and Endorsed!