T_xom for County Executive

T_xom for County Executive


Hello, citizens of Stapleton County. I am T_xom, Esq. and I am running to become the next County Executive. I believe that, if elected, I will be able to usher in a period of active governance in Stapleton County fostering business activity, community engagement, and public transparency.


Below is a list of my experience in Firestone as it pertains to governing, lawmaking, or leading a large entity.

  • Current Mayor of Prominence

  • Current Assistant District Attorney of Stapleton County

  • Current Member of the Stapleton County Legislation Review Committee

  • Current Representative (x2)

  • Former Stapleton County Councilman

  • Former Mayor of Prominence

  • Former Deputy Mayor of Prominence

  • Former Prominence Councilman (x2) and Chairman

  • Former Director of the Prominence Office of District Affairs

  • Former Chief Librarian of the Prominence Library (x2)

  • Former Assistant Attorney General of the Department of Justice

  • Former Senator

  • Firestone Business Owner of the Year Award (2024)

This is not a comprehensive list of my department, business, or law experience in Firestone, but contains relevant offices.

Accomplishments in Prominence

During my tenure as Mayor of Prominence, I ensured that office heads were active and completing necessary tasks at regular intervals. I appointed a new Clerk, Chief of Police, (multiple) Chief(s) of Staff, Director of District Affairs, Chief Librarian, and Council Chairman, who all showed tremendous qualifications and have been doing impressive work in their roles. I fulfilled my commitments to the District Council of having a monthly press release and frequent announcements to ensure public transparency, the same commitments that I bring to Stapleton County today. I amended several Mayoral Decrees, including the reinstatement of ID Mandates (before DPS did it), and I authored a new Code of Conduct for District employees to abide by.

The following events were hosted by the government of Prominence during my tenure as Mayor (not including those that I hosted before while I served as Director of District Affairs):

  • Prominence Grand Prix

  • Mayoral Address

  • District Government Meet and Greet

  • Lunar Arena Business Fair

  • Miss Prominence Beauty Contest

This list excludes my spontaneous appearances in-game and my other involvements in the community, such as being present at business shifts of Julien Family Bar, Iconic Drive-In, and Jimmu’s Dynasty Kitchen; meeting with officials of CekEx and meeting with the outgoing County Executive; and going on numerous ride-alongs with the Prominence District Police to better understand the scope of their duties. I plan to bring all of this work and all that I have learned in the past couple months to the County government, hoping that it will help improve the current level of government activity and performance.

Plans for Stapleton County

If elected as County Executive, I intend to…

  • re-establish monthly press releases and ensure that they detail significant government actions, staff changes, and events to maintain accountability;

  • continue mandating monthly operational reports from the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office and Stapleton County Fire Department;

  • re-vitalize the Office of Economic Affairs with the goal of creating cash-prize contests to motivate businesses, and coordinating with businesses to host events;

  • commit to hosting at least two county events per month, possibly involving the formation of an Events Committee (or the delegation of this duty to the OEA) to provide fresh ideas;

  • maintain an open dialogue with the Mayors of Prominence, Redwood, and Arborfield, involving frequent meetings to ensure that their needs are met and to inspire inter-municipality events and collaboration;

  • work with the County District Attorney to expand the office with new employees, increase prosecutorial operations, and offer defence for employees of the SCSO, SCFD, and SCPA who are sued civilly;

  • create an accessible County Charter Trello board rather than a PDF, similar to the State Constitution board and the Prominence Charter board in its function;

  • work with the County Clerk and local Mayors to create a centralized legislation database with all county and municipal laws;

  • and, should a SCWS department bill be passed again by the County Council at any point in my term, I will hold a new and fully binding public referendum on whether I should sign or veto it.


If you vote for me to serve as the next County Executive, I will serve faithfully and execute my plans for the government to the best of my ability. Some may bring up my alleged criminal past or other prior actions taken against me. But I stand before you reformed, with zero arrests or citations on record, ready to serve diligently and actively.

I will not let the people of Stapleton County down.


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omgg txom i support and endorse u

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Support and Endorse

Speaker Pro Tempore MattSixtyNin

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