i - Introduction
Greetings, I am SwedishVic and will be declaring my running for Arborfield City Council. I have been in the community for nearly a year now. I have seen our past 2 terms within our state, which has included the City of Arborfield. I have many plans and hopes for our great City and will be outlined here.
ii - Experience
Current Experience
Stapleton County Press Secretary
Department of Justice Employee
Department of State Deputy State Archivist
Department of Transportation Employee
Former Experience
Arborfield City Council x1
Redwood City Council x1
Stapleton County Press Secretary x1 term
Department of Commerce Inspector
Arborfield City Municipal Award
iii - Past Arborfield Term
I was able to be elected to the Arborfield City Council last term. And with that term, I was able to shape the city into something great. I worked with my fellow council members as well as Mayor Eglz and Deputy Mayor FoxyTheWereWolf. I was able to be awarded the Arborfield City Municipal Award by the esteemed Mayor.
List of all the bills I created and was passed:
Arborfield Office Cutdown Bill
Arborfield Holiday Recognition Act
iv - Plans
Within my past term, I was able to figure out what was needed within our city and fixed it. I have 3 main goals I hope to accomplish within my term.
1 - My first and biggest goal is to find a way to increase session activity. One if the biggest problems we faced behind the doors was Council Sessions. I hope to find a way to ensure that our city does not have more problems with this.
2 - I also hope to increase commerce within the city. At the end of my term, I began developing a business rescue bill with my fellow Councilwoman FaithFCM. While this was in the works, I hope to further the progression of the bill into this next term. I hope to introduce it within a few weeks of being elected into office. This bill would incentivise new and active businesses within our city.
3 - My last goal is to rework the city charter. With the amount of amendments we have pending to be added, or have just been added, it is clear that we need a new and improvised city charter. While this is a long term goal, I hope to bring the idea to the council and begin working on it as soon as I can. I plan to begin this process this upcoming term, ending it into the next term I get elected into after this.
V - Conclusion
I have many ideas for our city. I plan to being them to the table. Lets bring Arborfield to a rise.
/s/ SwedishVic