Greetings Citizens of Arborfield,
I am hoping for YOUR support here on the campaign.
My name is SwedishVic, I have been playing ROBLOX for a number of years, with Firestone being over the past 5 months. I am now running for Arborfield. I have a set of plans that I hope to bring into the city. I hope for your support!
Here is a list of my Firestone positions;
-Redwood Alderman (Current)
-Stapleton County Weather Service Board of Directors for Public Relations
I also have other government positions outside of Firestone which is listed here;
-Aigio Foreign Minister (Frmr)
-Falcon Falls County Executive (Frmr)
-Falcon Falls Foreign Minister (Frmr)
I have a few plans that I hope to introduce to the table. Here is a short list of some that I hope to bring in;
-Expand public outreach, I believe that Arborfield can do a better job with public relations. I hope to further public relations within the city as I have numerous experiences in that field, which I hope to bring into play.
-Better emergency management, with the rise of severe weather within the state, Arborfield has fallen target to numerous severe weather events. I hope to write bills that would further alert our citizens and allow for better responses from the municipality.
Within Redwood I have been apart of and have written bills and acts to bring into Redwood. Here is a bill that I wrote that has been signed by the Mayor;
Redwood Municipal Holiday Recognition Act
I have currently have 1 additional bill on the Redwood Docket along with one that is up to be signed by the Redwood Mayor.
I hope to gather your support for me on these special elections. I promise to bring my plans into action and expand onto them.