Subpoena to: TheGamerZ_Roblox2007

District Court of Firestone

Subpoena to attend trial in a Criminal Case

Case Number: A-052925-102

Court Address:
District Court of Firestone
Firestone Courts Discord

To: TheGamerZ_Roblox2007

You are hereby commanded to appear in the District Court of Firestone BEFORE the date and time specified below.

Date: June 18th
Time: 4:15 PM ET

Appearance Instructions:

  • You MUST join the Discord server linked above; if you have already arrived, locate your case channel as located in your summons.
  • Upon arrival, ping District Court Judge AydenJulien (@aydenexists)

Issued by:

The Honorable AydenJulien
District Court Judge

Date: 6/1/24 @ 4:10 PM ET

Contact Information:

For any questions regarding this subpoena, please contact the Judge above.

IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION AND DISCLAIMER: This is not the official order, which is attached to the case card on the Case Management System. This is simply a method to disseminate this information. To look at your official subpoena, reference the following card: Trello

Official Seal:

Court Seal

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