Stop & Search Tool

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i just wanted to clarify

What about that?

If someone can please lock this, this is going off topic.

Good idea

Using such thing without consent from people would be illegal and violation of rights.

idiota it’s for security for secret service go resign from scfd

Its an illegal search if used without consent, good sir. SS has no legal authority to mandate a search if you are not on government property like cap, etc. They also cant tell you to get away from a person theyre protecting, unless you create disturbance or try obstructing.


realistically, they can.

Realistically, they won’t search you even in that case. The only situation when SS can search people is when it’s a guest to be authorized to be closer to the escorted person, but we are already doing that with the cuffs we have.

Except, the suspect can just choose not to accept or deny, then we cannot do anything

Are you sure you are an officer or been one? Search has override function, so it can’t be denied during an arrest for example.

Yes. When you press the button to search, it will say “Awaiting confirmation…”. If the suspect chooses to not click Consent or Deny, then the LEO gui will continue to say awaiting confirmation. The override button will only appear when the suspect presses Deny. If he presses neither, it is stuck at “Awaiting confirmation…”

YOU are the dumbfuck.

We already have a tool called the ARREST TOOL (handcuffs) which has an arrest, search, and release button.

If you are stupid enough to not know this, let me just find a picture then:

Now DHS already has handcuffs I believe, but even if they don’t, they should probably always have someone with cuffing ability O/S.

As for other security who have a private license, they should use defense tactics rather than searching tactics.

DHS always had handcuffs, huh

You can leave the awaiting confirmation by clicking in the spot where “Search” is, it’s just invisible. I agree that it requires override there tho.