Statement from the CEO of the Bank of firestone

Hello, my name is JasonBourneAxis. I run and own the bank of firestone. The currently most active business. This is a response to the following events today, let’s speak from the start.

Batcat60 lt gov contacted me saying if I endorse their campaign and advertise it. I get 20k fs cash and 150 robux. Now they brought me into a group chat, batcat was in on the offer and said that it is not bribing. Now I spoke to my legal team and high command for my business, they said to decline it. So I did, those screenshots were from the chat. I did not request the warrant. Patchy wanted to do it so he did. So now batcat is terminated from HI and Sergeant for DoC and will most likely be post blacklisted and will be impeached from congress. This is an official statement from the Bank of Firestone, this is a warning to everyone to not bribe me and my business, or my legal team will randomly step in. People want me to sue him, which not sure if that will happen but if it does I will be contacting my legal team. Thanks for reading and I typed this on phone.

From the CEO of the bank of firestone. JasonBourneAxis

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^ We do not treat these attempts as a joke.

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Also. They did wanted supporters. They asked how many supporter would they get from it. Just to add in. Also we are a commerce approved business if you are wondering and he is fired from commerce to add on. Thank you.

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Reps can’t be impeached, they are only expelled

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Thanks for the info. ^^ about batcat as a rep

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Sorry this is completely off topic but how does bank of firestone work?

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We do role play withdraws and deposits. We give loans max is 1k due to low budget of 10k fs cash

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can i get a small loan of 40k for legal guns


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