Good day, Citizens,
This is a letter of intent to declare that I, President pro tempore Stamose will be running for re-election to the Firestone Senate.
Below, you will find what I have done since you last elected me, my future plans for the road to come, and more.
Current State Senator, President pro tempore under Lieutenant Governor NinWin1 and Governor Joshernaut (Gov. RESIG then Hecxtro as LTG)
-Current County Affairs Committee Chairman (Senator) (CE Elite_Creations) (SINCE GOV. B_EAR)
-Former State Senator under Lieutenant Governor Sharkfish82 and Governor B_ear
-Former County Affairs Committee Member (Senator) (CE Elite_Creations (SAME TERM AS CAC CHAIR)
-Former State Senator under Lieutenant Governor Hecxtro and Governor Ash1835
-Former County Affairs Committee Member (Senator) (CE Elite_Creations)
-Former State Senator (1/4 term)(s. elections) under Lieutenant Governor Ash1835 and Governor Sharkfish82
-Former County Affairs Committee Member (Senator) (CE ThalliusReborn)
Former County Councilman (under CE Markehebashi and v_Madi)
-Former County Affairs Committee Member (Councilman)
Work this term:
This term, I have worked my hardest to ensure that the Senate is in good hands. Here are some statistics:
Legislations written: 14
Sessions presided: 3/9
Session attended: 9/9
Approval rating: 4.02/5 (highest approval rating from a Senator)
-Instituted an attendance form, required to be filled by all Senators, to have a higher chance at achieving a quorum
-Assisted congressmen/women in writing legislation
-Reached out to department directors, asking if they needed legislation created
-Assisted the new Constitution by proofreading it as it was written (still doing)
This term, my current plans to:
-Assist FNG and DOC with an extension of trespassing lines during a lockdown (currently encountering legal issues
-Re-run for President pro tempore
-Continue reaching out to department heads and members of the public
-Run the Senate to the best of my ability
-Work on V3 laws upon V3 Beta release
-Reform and rewrite the Senate and House standing rules
-Continue to work on the new Constitution
With these plans, I will work my hardest to ensure that your opinions are brought through Congress.
Your voice matters, and I will make sure it is heard.
The Hon. Stamose
President pro tempore