Some suggestions for V3

I’m actually pretty excited for V3! Only a couple months away. My suggestions:

  • Roads - They should be able to change color after a certain amount of time (from how many people go on them). We could have DPW paving the roads, physically applying pavement, etc. We should also introduce cracks in the roads as well to be repaired, physically being able to happen, no role-playing them. It should be the same even if the server were to refresh.

  • Construction: We should implement construction on buildings. Crumbling over time, the fixing of the buildings (no role-play).

  • Steering wheel animations (makes it more realistic).

  • A GPS system to be able to acknowledge where you’re going if you’re a newcomer or you simply don’t know how to get somewhere. It should be built into the car.

That’s all for now! Comment your ideas below, it’s only 1-2 months away. :innocent: :relaxed:


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