Smellssofishy & baconperson1101 for Governor "The Call for Action!"

In 2023 the Peace Officer Standards Training academy lowered their curriculum to allow for less competent applicants to be accepted and become peace officers within the State of Firestone.

The previous Peace Officer Standards Training academy graduated a cadet who was hired by the Redwood Police Department who shot into a crowd of innocent civilians. Firestone Department of Public Safety suggested he go through intensive retraining after almost taking lives.

Days later two rouge military police officers dressed as Klan members opened fire on innocent civilians killing them and a Firestone State Patrol Trooper falsely detained a POST certified individual on the POST training campus stating the POST certified individual was rogue. We can’t even consider this a mistake, it’s pure stupidity and incompetence.

Is this the future of peace officer training and policing in Firestone? Is graduating incompetent and unstable cadets what the Firestone POST stands for?

January 1st, 2024, New Years Day wasn’t a day of new beginning and celebration, it was a day of violent “protest” that haven’t stopped against a state representative. Is normalizing hate and domestic war the future of Firestone?

Firestone is falling apart, and its departments are corrupted. We must act now and bring back structure, competency, transparency and honesty in our state.

Thank you for supporting the future governors of Firestone who know talk is cheap and action is key!




:bacon: :fish:




You’re wrong, neither of those hooligans were MPOs



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fng prob

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As someone who helped with this case it 100% does not correlate with POST and Training standards. You shouldn’t justify your reasoning with something like that when POST has no control over. There are much better examples you could find from recent graduates in DPS investigations.


These events are more recent events that have been discussed as recent as this morning the 3rd of January 2024.

While the FNG case may not be the greatest example, the Firestone employee falsely detaining a POST certified individual and the Redwood police officer who shot into a crowd of people is the result of POST accepting incompetent applicants and graduating them.

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Incorrect, the failure is not in admissions, rather training. Becoming a competent law enforcement officer in Firestone is not rocket science. POST hasn’t lowered admissions standards but it’s shifted to more of a “push them through” mentality instead of a "quality training for every individual "mentality.

I would recommend going through POST as a Cadet before you try to fix it btw

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The “Push them through” mentality is allowing for incompetent applicants to get through.

I’ll been in POST, through multiple tiers.

POST does firearm training and shooting range. You don’t just shoot into a crowd of people; in POST you learn not to shoot down range when someone is in the range.

In POST one of the first things you learn is reasonable suspicion and probable cause. That trooper didn’t make a mistake, he’s just stupid.

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I’m not arguing if what a trooper did was wrong, I’m addressing what the real issue is as you said the fault was in the admissions process (which it is not).

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You support this incompetence.

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I don’t support incompetence. I quite literally agreed with you there are issues in POST but you’re looking in the wrong area. You blamed it on admissions when it’s the training aspect at fault. If you’re incapable of understanding my simple point then I don’t think you’re fit to sign bills into law as Governor.

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We need to create a bill to deport Jayhawk.


im undeportable


Why are you blaming POST? We train every cadet on the use of force model, when to discharge your firearm and not, we train them on the shooting range. If we believe that the cadet is not fit or doesn’t understand, we explain to them what they are doing wrong, or make them redo the tier. If they fail again, expulsion follows. Instead of blaming POST, you should investigate the department training program that passed the officer into the field.

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I don’t support the idea, and I don’t think you need to be running for governor anytime in the future. You even mentioned it yourself: “POST does firearm training and shooting range. You don’t just shoot into a crowd of people; in POST, you learn not to shoot downrange when someone is in the range.” First, you’re agreeing that we teach them not to go into a crowd of people, and later, you’re suggesting that we are allowing incompetent people into POST?? Your message is confusing. :ok_hand:t6::skull:

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  1. The officer you are blaming on us graduated in 2016; may I ask how we (the current post staff) can be blamed for someone who graduated 8 years ago?
  2. You said you attended multiple post-tiers; I don’t see your certification anywhere. Does that mean you are complaining about the POST quality, but you weren’t able to pass it yourself?
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It seems like you didn’t even pass the application. Wow!

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