Should the SCSO have their own ASU?

You have SWAT, no.

no, many sheriff’s offices dont have helis, it’s mainly the state that does. though, my local SO has 2 but we r a wealthy county…so it all just depends

no it does not SCFD already has a lot of things including sar

  • No, it’s very uncommon for a sheriff’s department to have an air unit.

fng - coast guard
dhs - literally the entire department is made up of divisions after divisions, if one of them were made official with a group the others would complain, thus why its balanced
dpw & dot - doesnt need any. what are you expecting, an elite trash unit?


great idea, airlift the trash to the landfill to speed up garbage removal and reduce wear on our streets by the heavy garbage trucks!


DHS - Legit each division has it’s own tech, go away.
FNG - Coast guard?
DPW - Trash collection
DOT - Buses, taxis and tow truck


True, my provincial sheriffs in alberta are intergrated with the RCMP for highway patrol, the RCMP does the air, Sheriffs do the pullin over and such, its already how ASU and SCSO are working together and it is doing just fine.

yes sir

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I have bright idea let’s just remove gravity from Firestone

cowboy hats and horses first

SCSO horse patrol? :3

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Better be bulletproof horses

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DHS has canine unit, io, and three sub divisions. DPW and DOT are secondary. I don’t see a reason.

These are not sub divisions, DHS consists of 4 different agencies, in order for something to be called a sub division there has to be something main, hence why its called a “sub” division.

why does SCSO need ASU if there is only one county and no real demand for more air support?


  • Has SWAT
  • Has recently updated/new cars (Taurus and Pick up)
  • Has the most active jurisdiction
  • Soon to be SCSO:DOC as fed said.


  • Has ASU (Still has broken helis.)
    That’s it.

No hate, but ever since we got working helis that haven’t been in the game for longer then a month. Each department wants some sort of avation now for example; SCFD, FNG and now SCSO… like come on let FSP be unique for something. it’s not like we are asking for a tactical unit.

There’s no demand for more Air Support it’s just people want more shit in their departments.

fedora went back on that you kinda in the dark my dude

To be a 100% some LEOs are really needy