Should SCWS be a Department?

And now it’s DEAD


Eventually i was demoted and replaced. I wanted the business to live even know it wasnt successful but City of Prominence did have some promises but we see where they went.

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department of food & eating & department of oil & gas when

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probably they’d be under dps, get paid, be under actual employment law, presumably sec is appointed by ce

edit: they also might get a team and oc

god save us if they do


It needs a oversight committee either established by Stapleton County or by DOCM to make sure it remains active and provide oversight as needed.

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Putting them under DPS makes no sense

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if they’re a public employee they would be held to the same standards the state has for public employees

what changes?

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thats really excessive for a weather company

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i love it when dps manages my boring 9-5 office job.

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DPS is meant for first responders and public servants who work on the street interacting and serving people.

Scws wouldn’t do that

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if they have a team and have in-county jobs (similar to how they have it now), yea dps would be a reasonable thing to put scws under

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Sadly it is needed even if you don’t think so it needs some form of Board to keep it active and keep the head of the organization in check.

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Think tho, DOBW, DOH (IIRC), and DOCM all have teams and aren’t under DPS

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Must b safe

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cant wait until Pigeon Kebabs is under DPS @HardwareSecurity @ConfussIed


doh is objectively a department that interacts with the public and is a first response service, still have no clue why they arent under dps (atleast, the scms portion of doh)

off topic thougu

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do we trust them to discipline themselves?

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should also mention - it was reported that braeden was forcing people to show their dms and search history


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DOCM doesn’t need to be under DPS, you are crazy if you think so

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imo, having a new department would be great. but before that happens, we should consider the state of current departments. we shouldn’t add new departments when current ones are on the brink of collapse.

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