Should Murder be expungeable?

Do you think Murder be expungeable in Firestone?

  • Yes.
  • No.
  • Its just a game.

0 voters

Now the only way you can get murder removed from your record is if it goes unprosecuted for over 30 days.

Let me ask you this would you want your next Senator or Governor previously convicted of murder in office? Would you want a police officer patrolling your streets with a history of murdering people on the street? No matter if they changed or not murder is murder am I not correct? What if that officer took the life of a family member or that senator or governor?

In the comments below explain to me why you think murder should or should not be expungeable. Because this will help us legislators decide on the next piece of legislation.
Thank you for your time citizens.

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its a game, relax.


You can expunge a murder charge

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you already can wtf


Mistake it was suppose to be Not Expungeable.

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All crimes are expungeable, and it should remain that way.

If we didn’t have record expungements, or could not expunge serious crimes…
We wouldnt have some of our greatest politicians and department members we have seen in this very state!


I said murder not all crimes patchy.

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Why u propose that? It’s never be like we kill someone and he dies IRL. so no thx

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I regret to inform you we’ve had several politicians even convicted of murder, one’s in office rn.


That is true.

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Think about it this way: Someone has walked down the street and randomly been arrested for “murder”. It would be false arrest but the only way to get it off your record would be by expunging. Now he sends in an expungement request and the judge looks at the record and says “He has murder on his record so I won’t even read the whole thing.” My opinion is that everyone should be able to expunge their record regardless of what they have done. Only thing is that the judge should be more strict with murderers than normal people and not expunge the record so easily.


Yo what the fuck you made it public

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I got murder on my mind


Give me credit where its deserved, i had 110+ arrests at one point…

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you used to be a criminal?

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yes sir.

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I had like 2 arrests in v2 back in 2017

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Which consist of?

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@NicoloSkrt Tell me what did u do when you were a criminal?

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