SCSO (no longer)

What do you think the new name will be for our department?

  • FSO (Firestone Sheriff’s Office)
  • FSSO (Firestone State Sheriff’s Office)
  • SSO (Stapleton Sheriff’s Office)

0 voters

Got another creative name? Tag me below and let me know!

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Xd bye scso

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Rip gg

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You’re still Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office… If there was another county, think about it. The only thing that has changed is the people that run the departments.

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you dont know that

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hecc :slight_smile:

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The bill doesn’t state where and what scso or scfd is sooo technically we are gone

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ryan just told me its only for a month. is this true

Did you even read the bill.

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ofc not

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No one does unless it’s important. I heard that from someone

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when u found out this forum post was useless


scso still remains as normal thus making this forum post useless

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