We already have the SCFD Substation in Hillview, FS but we are lacking sub stations for our county wide departments such as SCSO & FSP. My suggestion is to turn Hillview into a County Government
Complex where SCSO & SCFD have a substation in Hillview and FSP can maybe have a small substation maybe next to the 401 Freeway.
This would allow our county units to be more spread out and discourage staying away from Redwood by having a chance of spawning in Hillview! Here is a image of a example of what it could look like on the map!
NOTE: Remember to
the post so devs can see it!
100% Support the idea of giving FSP and SCSO a Sub Station,
Chairperson Jayden04026 Stapleton County Council
this would change nothing as your main station would still be the ones in redwood
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Tbh we got our stations in rw, maybe give fsp main HQ in prom and SCSO’s main HQ in arbor
We could just use a trailer like they use in Arborfield trailer park and just put an office and armory in it
prom has PDP and DHS there isn’t a need for FSP in Prom. Arbor would be a better pick.
Put SCSO out near the far farms area near the road that connects up to feds & the crime base.