Scrivnato for Arborfield City Council

Hello, I am scrivnato, or just scriv. I am speaking today for the running of Arborfield City Council. I am a very honest man, so you will get 100% of the truth that comes out of my mouth. I have never ran for a position within the government before in my career, however I have lots of hands on experience. I’ve never held an actual position within Firestone, so lots of my experiences come from USA groups, specifically nUSA as a big chunk.

Pertaining to my experiences, I’ve spent a large majority of my time with investigative branches which include the FBI as well as some Military intelligence in the Air Force as well as the Army in INSCOM and ISA. I have lots of leadership experiences, so if need be I can be a possible fill-in for others. I’ve lead lots of large groups under a lot of stress and needed to complete a task in a fast amount of time.

During my time for serving on Arborfield City Council I want to listen to the people while also following my heart to decide what is fair for the city. I am currently in public outreach so I hope to incorporate some of what I do in that and transfer it over to make the community more engaging. I am one who believes you need to be professional as well as having some fun so it’s not all serious business.

Anyways, thank you for taking your time out of your day for reading this. If you have any questions be sure to contact me on Discord! scriv#5596

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