“Soaring Towards Success”
Campaign Discord
Table of Contents:
I. Introduction of the Candidates
II. Executive Branch
III. Legislative Branch
IV. Judicial Branch
V. Term Goals
VI. Conclusion
I. Introduction to the Candidates
Hi, I’m scriblelz. I’m the current Speaker of the House. I am currently in my second consecutive term of the position. Aside from that, I’ve held many different positions throughout the 5 years I’ve been involved in this community. Starting out in the Department of Public Works in 2019, it’s been quite a journey to where I am today. I then embarked on my first career in law enforcement, spanning from FSP to FNG and, at the height of my career then, to the former Department of Homeland Security. I was then elected to the Senate in 2020. I served my first term and was re-elected. After I left the senate, I jumped around for quite awhile. I served as a representative for a few terms, while many different departments in between. In October, I was elected once again to the House of Representatives, serving under Speaker CanadIanLaw. After a term of serving as a representative, I ran for re-election and eventually Speaker of the House. Since then, I’ve remained Speaker of the House after being re-elected to the position.
From presiding over the House of Representatives, to running my own business for 4 years, as well as serving in countless supervisory roles, I’m more than ready to take on the massive role of the Governorship.
Relevant Experience
Speaker of the House,
Stapleton County Council,
Mayor of Redwood,
District of Prominence Council Chairman,
Redwood City Council
Hello, I’m AestheticallyHappy, if you don’t know me already I’ve been around for quite some time. I currently sit as the Lieutenant Governor to CanadlanLaw, having served as the Governor myself with Sharkfish82. Prior to that, I’ve served in the Senate as the President Pro Tempore to Lieutenant Governor L_3ee, Chief of Staff to Governor DyingSym, back to back terms as the County Executive and many other administrative and executive positions in a plethora of departments. I started in this community back in 2019 when I earned my POST certification, followed shortly with my EMT-P Certification where I then joined the Senate under Lieutenant Governor Ash1835. Following that I joined the Stapleton County Fire Department where I reached the rank of Deputy Fire Chief before moving on, full time, into politics on my election to County Executive. Throughout this tenure in politics and public service, I’ve racked up an impressive 17 awards from many different individuals and municipalities, most notably two Governors Medal of Freedom and two County Executive’s Awards, alongside being awarded the two highest achievements for valor in the Firestone National Guard.
Through my 3 years as a full time politician, I have the experience necessary and the will to continue on in my role as the leader of the Senate and to continue serving my state in a grand fashion.
Relevant Experience
Lieutenant Governor,
County Executive,
President pro tempore,
Chief of Staff,
County Chairman,
RPD Lieutenant
Agenda (Sections II-V):
II. Executive Branch
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This section will encompass the Executive Branch, departments, and foreign policy.
The Executive Branch is the most important branch of government within the State of Firestone. We’ll be ensuring that the activity requirements put in place by the previous administration will be upheld. This means the cabinet will be required to submit activity logs of them representing their departments, attend regular cabinet meetings, submit reports, and generally remain in good, active standing. Communication between the Executive Branch and the people is a key part of our campaign.
While my concern for the majority of departments is little, there are a few that I would like to see observed a little closer than they have been. There are currently two in mind that I will be immediately evaluating their operations upon being elected. I hope to work with the two heads of these departments to overcome the problems I see presented, but at the end of the day I have no problem bringing a fresh face to a department if need be.
I look forward to working with Secretary of State CrusinThomas on our stance surrounding foreign policy. I hope to make some progress towards fostering some new relationships as alliances, seeing as the Vancouver situation is a current ongoing problem within their own government.
III. Legislative Branch
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The Legislative Branch is integral to our government. The current state of the Legislative Branch is good. Under the leadership of myself in the House and AestheticallyHappy in the Senate, we’ve been efficient as possible as getting legislation dealt with and keeping our respective chambers in order. I will, of course, depart from the House of Representatives upon being elected Governor. I will be keeping a close eye on them and will be assisting the transition to a new Speaker. Aside from that, I have confidence in the chamber with most of them now with a term of experience under my leadership. AestheticallyHappy is without a doubt the most fit person to preside over the Senate. Both myself and Aesthetically will have no problem working alongside the branch.
IV. Judicial Branch
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The Judicial Branch is a complicated and important resource within the State of Firestone. I’ve led the House of Representatives as we took action against judicial misconduct this recent term. The House conducted 2 impeachment inquiries against the judicial branch, then introducing articles of impeachment and a censure. In a separate incident, articles of impeachment were introduced against a judge that led to his resignation. The way I see it, no further action must be taken at this time. In general, I plan to continue keeping an eye on this branch and encourage growth from the incidents that have occurred in the past months. I also hope to work closely with Chief Justice DannyboyJurist and continue the years old tradition of nominating his recommendations for our Judicial Branch. The Judicial Branch plays a critical role in the functionality of our state, and without it working to high standards, it will not be able to play the prominent role it serves in our state.
V. Term Goals
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Introduce biweekly reports from the Governor’s office on progress.
Continued cabinet meetings and activity policy.
Maintain an active in-game presence through events such as parades, rallies, manor events, and more.
Continued support for businesses through regular recognitions, shift visits, and more.
Work closely with Commerce Secretary Clonemep to provide assistance for Commerce and businesses.
Monitor necessary departments at the beginning of my term and make changes to ensure every department is running at the highest level.
Meet with state and local law enforcement agencies on occasion.
Continue setting good precedent for the future Governors through our actions.
VI. Conclusion
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to those who took the time out of their day to read our speech, or at least gain some insight into some of what we bring to the table. Please DM or comment any questions or concerns to myself or AestheticallyHappy. We look forward to your support!
Gubernatorial Candidate
Lieutenant Gubernatorial Candidate