ScottMcAllister for House of Representatives

Senator Jackfruitism Supports

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Have you considered gaining experience through the District of Prominence, the county, or other cities?

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American_Lance supports

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What are you plans to combat crime? A lot of people running for municipal and state offices say this but have no capability to.

What legislative experience do you posses that makes you qualified for the House? Do you understand the operations of congress in Firestone and how to legislate?


Support bc of the epic GFX, usually i do not support inexperienced candidates but you spent time on that gfx so 100% support

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you mean using

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[quote=“ScottMcAllister, post:1, topic:25235”]
My main concern is recently our State has seen a surge in violent criminal activity, I will work with my colleagues to address this, give our Officers the support, power and resources they need to keep our Citizens safe.
[/quote] open your eyes buddy

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“I will work with my colleagues to address this” is not “I will lower the crime rate”. (apologies for deleting again, the replies aren’t working properly)

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address it as in lowering it. take a guess what is there to address in crime brother

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Well when we say “combat crime” there is no direct way to combat ongoing crime as a legislator as we are not the ones out there enforcing the law. Criminals are always going to break the law, that’s what they maybe joined fs for or what they’ve come to enjoy doing in fs. My plan for addressing it is to meet directly with those affected, citizens and public workers especially, but everyone including LEOs, EMS/FD talking about what problems they are most confronted with and how they think it should be dealt with. It is hard to maintain a balance between making LEOs overpowered and having no criminals, or making LEOs job(s) impossible and potentially losing LEOs as a result. At the end of the day while I have my own legislation I plan on getting opinions on when/if I am elected, my goal and job is to take what the public wants, make it viable and reasonable to maintain order, and support that legislation into law.

When it comes to my legislative experience, I have never held office within fs, and I know that makes me ofc inexperienced, however, I have been reading up on recommended text about processes, learning from current and past players who have served in Government Office, and can confidently say I do understand the operations of congress and how to legislate to a point I can and will be an effective Representative capable of fulfilling my duties.

Great question and I hope that answers it for you, let me know if you have any other questions or if I can elaborate on anything for you!

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I support this fabulous man. I can see him achieving all of these goals as he never gives up.

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I apologize for not responding to this sooner as I was out of town, please refer to this link for a better explanation to what I think you’re referring to. @Dogbuns13 (tagging since you were part of the chain)

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While this is true I did use canva for the text, I did upload and get the photo from somewhere else, as-well as wrote the text myself.

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i only knew because i used it for senior class office elections lol

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this answered my question i believe. i give my support to you sir

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Ah fair, I use Canva from almost all of my stuff, from PDP PR to GFX lol.


Saige_lover1 Supports

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