SCFD Suggestion


Well why cant we be like California?


Because california has a high budget and has no lag

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America = big Dumb

Spend money on the Ambulance service to actually fucking let people, Oh I donā€™t know, GET FUCKING TREATED?

would be a cool idea, not sure how heliā€™s will work out in v3 since they failed in v2. still could be a possibility. :eyes:

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if you realized fed called a voice meeting for every single department guess who he didinā€™t call?, the ems peoples scfd

Itā€™s a roblox game.

The British Columbia Ambulance Service (BCAS) has their own fleet of helicopters


pretty hot

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I suggest the rigs be fixed first so theyā€™re not laggy, have a gears system, and the new ELS version. A helicopter would be cool but they also caused lag with one in V2 when they were in.


Ok so im tier 3 in FFA and donā€™t know which path to go down first. Iā€™m having trouble if whether I should go Firefighter/EMT B or Paramedic first. Anyone have suggestions on what I should do first?

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or let doh do it cuz weā€™re a hospital


finally someone understands