It is almost a month into the term, and I wish to gather your opinions regarding the entire Stapleton County Government. This poll is lengthy, however, it is requested that you do provide your feedback on all topics, as they will be crucial to help improve the Stapleton County Government. Ensure that you are in the Stapleton County Discord to stay covered and on top of the recent actions and events unfolding within the Stapleton County Government:
SC: Executive Branch
- Do you approve of County Executive ThalliusReborn?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of Chief of Staff MrEmote?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of Sheriff Straphos?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of SCSO?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of Fire Chief mrzip?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of SCFD?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of District Attorney SerZhukov?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of Press Secretary crankyluke?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of the Stapleton County Executive Branch as a whole?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
SC: Legislative Branch
- Do you approve of County Chairman Elite_Creations?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of Councilman HxppyTeddyy?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of Councilman airside_Nationn?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of Councilman ForgottenJokes?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of Councilman NicoloSkrt?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of Councilman Antador?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of Councilman PigeonTemps?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you approve of the Stapleton County Legislative Branch as a whole?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
SC: Government
- Do you think the Stapleton County Government is performing to your standards?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you think you have a voice within the Stapleton County Government?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
- Do you have trust within the Stapleton County Government?
- Yes
- No
- No Opinion
0 voters
Thank you for taking the time to take this poll. Your opinions will not go discarded and will be used to improve the Stapleton County Government.
County Chairman
Stapleton County Council