Ryanwilson747 for House

Introduction: Hello! My name is ryanwilson747. I am excited to announce that I will be running for a seat in the House of Representatives.

About me: I have been a longtime member of Firestone, however I took a long break and returned to the state in January '22. I also am a former member of TRC and part of the State of Rockport. I currently am in multiple businesses within the state and have been recently advocating for more business laws. My activity has also ramped up again as I am currently off for the summer.

My goals: I would love to see our state allow more department jobs open up, as well as more safety laws to keep CFL’s, and other civilians safe. I would also love to work with fellow members on passing some of their personal goals as well. Furthermore, I am also open to working with members of other states that are recognized by Firestone to further help our alliance.

I am extremely excited to run for the house, and I am ready for what is next for our great state!

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What jobs would you open? What amendments would you make to the UCFA?

Could you elaborate on this?

What ideas do you have in mind?

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I would love to see more FAA/DOA jobs for sure. I feel like getting more citizens into the aviation side would be huge. I also think opening up more positions for DOT would be a big thing.

Working with fellow members on personal goals like I would be in on working with someone like Confussled on something they would like to see passed.

Lastly, I think allowing for open carry on a businesses private land would be great to help better have businesses safe. Not only that, I also think better promotion for businesses and possibly even fairer competition would be great. We want to see more businesses in FS, and I believe by promoting and passing laws for fairer competition would be huge.

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Do you have any prior experience within this field? Have you considered going for municipal or county councils for experience beforehand?


What kind of jobs?



In other groups yes. I haven’t been able to run for municipal yet because I haven’t had a good opportunity yet. However, I would love to run for Mayor of a city.

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I think we should open up more ground crew/pilot jobs. Also, maybe even start a ground support team to allow for DOA to land on parking lots more. But this would also get it’s activity up more, and allow for more support from others.

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Do you have any prior experience within this field? Have you considered going for municipal or county councils for experience beforehand?

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I have been a senator in other nations before. I have considered councils beforehand.

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I suggest running for municipal councils first before running for congress, you can learn a lot from city councils.

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Frost doing my job while I’m the election sponsor!

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Hehehehe, lemme preside over the house too :wink:

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Cause Cranky was a dumbass lol

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I’ve been looking at a mayoral run for a bit.

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you still dont have enough experience for a mayoral run, start off with city councils. me and countless other people started off in municipal councils and worked our way up, i suggest running for the redwood city council when elections open because the redwood council is by far the most competent and active and you will learn a lot from me and others apart of the council and my administration.

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cough cough lies cough cough

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sup 5 charr

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