Introduction: Hello! My name is ryanwilson747. I am excited to announce that I will be running for a seat in the House of Representatives.
About me: I have been a longtime member of Firestone, however I took a long break and returned to the state in January '22. I also am a former member of TRC and part of the State of Rockport. I currently am in multiple businesses within the state and have been recently advocating for more business laws. My activity has also ramped up again as I am currently off for the summer.
My goals: I would love to see our state allow more department jobs open up, as well as more safety laws to keep CFL’s, and other civilians safe. I would also love to work with fellow members on passing some of their personal goals as well. Furthermore, I am also open to working with members of other states that are recognized by Firestone to further help our alliance.
I am extremely excited to run for the house, and I am ready for what is next for our great state!
I would love to see more FAA/DOA jobs for sure. I feel like getting more citizens into the aviation side would be huge. I also think opening up more positions for DOT would be a big thing.
Working with fellow members on personal goals like I would be in on working with someone like Confussled on something they would like to see passed.
Lastly, I think allowing for open carry on a businesses private land would be great to help better have businesses safe. Not only that, I also think better promotion for businesses and possibly even fairer competition would be great. We want to see more businesses in FS, and I believe by promoting and passing laws for fairer competition would be huge.
In other groups yes. I haven’t been able to run for municipal yet because I haven’t had a good opportunity yet. However, I would love to run for Mayor of a city.
I think we should open up more ground crew/pilot jobs. Also, maybe even start a ground support team to allow for DOA to land on parking lots more. But this would also get it’s activity up more, and allow for more support from others.
you still dont have enough experience for a mayoral run, start off with city councils. me and countless other people started off in municipal councils and worked our way up, i suggest running for the redwood city council when elections open because the redwood council is by far the most competent and active and you will learn a lot from me and others apart of the council and my administration.