Dear Citizens of Stapleton County and the State of Firestone,
I am hereby announcing that I will be running for County Council. Now, I know that I may not have much experience within the Legislation Branch in Firestone but I promise I come from a big background and I am very knowledgeable within the branch from many other role-playing based groups. (Ex. NUSA) I also come from a Law Enforcement background. As I graduated from POST Class Eleven, I am a Stapleton County Deputy First Class and a Stapleton County Tactical Sergeant in the Sheriff’s Special Weapons and Tactics Division. I’ve also served within many High ranks in other groups. If you would like to check my background here it is.
If I so happen to be elected I’d focus on what you the public wants to be done within the County, as we are your voices and your voices MUST be heard. We cannot let any more Councilmen come in saying they will do things that NEVER happen! I will hopefully (if elected) be the one to start change, As I want to hear from all of you on what you would like to be done as it is VITAL you come to us, as if you do NOT we cannot serve you as at the end of the day your bosses NOT I repeat NOT the other way around! I will not let you down!
Lastly, I would like to thank for taking time out of your day to read this I hope you could support this as it would mean a lot to myself and please do not hesitate to direct any questions to my direct messages via discord at Mr.Anderson#1045