Roaring as your Representative

Firestone lacks someone who actually cares about the people who got them elected. The same people get elected again and again and what changes? Nothing. As a citizen, I know the challenges that citizens have in Firestone and I know the solutions on how to remedy them.

Crime is rising. Why? Let me explain. The people in Congress are content starving our citizens and forcing them to do crime in order to have any fun in Firestone. Getting any job in Firestone is difficult. We are no longer supporting private businesses like we used to. I want to support private businesses and increase the number of jobs in the private sector. Not only that I want to increase the hire rate of Non-Law Enforcement jobs. If you go and look for a job as a citizen right now you will find barely any job that isn’t Law Enforcement. The high-level bureaucrats always say the same thing, “Why is Crime increasing?” It’s because those same people are content starving citizens. I want to increase FUN for citizens.

When I’m in office I will READ and RESPOND to every pm within 48 hours guaranteed. I will never forget the people who got me into office in the first place. I will never forget what “Representative” means.

“Change” isn’t a campaign slogan, it’s something that must happen.
RoaringRacer for the House of Representatives.
Submit your support by commenting “Signed, [Your name]” on this thread.


What’s the relevance of that penguin tag.


Added it on accident, no idea how to get rid of it.


Support and Endorsed.

Firestone Department of Justice
State Prosecutor


This sounds more like a congressional critizm post than a speech tbh

no support you need to state your plans


supported and endorsed


Signed, Krvxo

~2F81, Trooper Krvxo


48 Hours? give me a break, if someone DM’s me a bill Idea on Discord, I will respond within 20 seconds after the DM was sent

Here, let me answer that for you mate.

Crime is rising because it is. this was predicted to happen, this is in no part the congress fault, its more of the Developers fault for not putting enough content into the game.
AND NO, it is not hard for citizens to get jobs, just if Citizens stopped asking HOW TO BE COP and actually go through POST or SCFD Training, or for fuck sakes FNG Training, then Civilians could be in jobs, EVEN DOT IS EASY TO GET INTO.

This is the only thing in this entire speech I can agree on, The HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lacks people who are smart as well as people who care about firestone citizens, do not rope the Senate into the kinds of shit we are used to in the HOR.

Thank you
Your Local Friendly Senator
Secretary of Cringe
Former LEO (FSP Corp, DHS SS, DOC CO)
Former Firestone National Guard Brigadier General




Man throw us under the bus


Of course not all HOR reps are stupid like SOTH Techiey or Rep Niclicious but the majority of HOR is


Dude. Maybe if people acutlly answered the fucking question “how do I be a cop” instead of saying “Go through POST.” Do you think anyone knew to the game would know what that is… because of this they go to crime.


Support Endorse


Don’t you think that Civilians should learn how to be stuff for themselves?


If you take a look closer you can see that what you are talking about is not at all what I am talking about. You seem to have misunderstood what I said about jobs. I am talking about supporting the private sector to increase the number of jobs non-leo jobs to allow people to have a job in Firestone right when they join instead of having to do a long academy. I never said POST was hard to get in to. All I believe is that that right now Stapleton is “Cops and Robbers” barely any in-between. I feel that we must support the private sector to increase the number of jobs in it in order to give citizens the alternative choice instead of having to turn to Law Enforcement as their only job.

You could argue that there are Non-LEO jobs like DOT that are still government, however those rarely open applications or are full. With an increase in private businesses, citizens can look for a job now. All they would have to do is find a business looking for workers and they would have a job.

So no, I don’t want to make POST easier, I don’t want to get rid of POST, all I strive for is supporting alternative jobs.

EDIT I forgot to address the part of crime so let me make myself clear. If you are a citizen and you want to have fun at Firestone what will you do? You have a few options, take a week-long POST academy (which is actually on hold right now due to reforms) or apply for a government job like DOT whose applications aren’t open regularly. So you take a look at your options and you realize to have fun now, the only thing you can do is (A) Drive around and do nothing or (B) Do crime. Citizens who are left nothing will chose crime. This is why we need alternative jobs.



Did I ever say you wanted to get rid of POST? no I never even came to that conclusion.

One, from what I’ve found is Civilians are lazy or currently do not give a crap and want to just be annoying to people who have found there way into our community, and in no way is that Congresses fault, as well as Fedora and his Dev’s promising that there would be jobs you could have in the Game itself to make more money, the Private Sector isn’t gonna help reduce crime, if that was the case, don’t you think the Smart people in the State Senate would try and help the Private Sector Grow?

Two, This speech is more of a bash toward the current people in congress, to which I find not Socially acceptable, but fine at the same time. DOT and DOC for that matter have apps open 24/7 and so do FNG, Civilians could join DOC or DOT or FNG while going through POST or SCFD Training, I do not see the problem with this.

My Signature says the rest


Sure I’ll agree with you that a few citizens would still do crime for the fun of it. However, the citizens that actually want to aim for a job like SCSO as you mentioned would have to do POST. Instead of having that individual never come to Stapleton and just do POST (which they might find boresome) they can come to Stapleton and work in a private business. With a large amount of these kinds of individuals, we can change Stapleton from “cops and robbers” to an actual county that has LEO, Citizens, Private business, and a small amount of crime. This not only helps citizens but helps the county and the gameplay of experience of all people in Firestone.



I corrected myself btw, meant to put SCSO instead of FNG.


I’m sorry? Did you just say you have to go through POST to become a Guards men?
He’s kidding right?

Sir, as former FNG Brigadier General, I can assure you that you do not have to go through POST to become a National Guardsmen. As well as it being a Volunteer Department.


I actually never mentioned SCSO… uhhh, but okay sure

As said by our glorious Dictator FedoraMaster :b:98 “There will be no teams for Private Businesses”. The Private Sector will not help reduce crime and any way possible.

As I said before, Fed and his Devs promised when V2 was in Alpha that there would be in game jobs for Civilians to do, and several months later, this has yet to be a possibility.

Stapleton County and Any Roblox Nation for that matter, will never stop being a RP Version of a Need For Speed Game, and this, in no way is the Congress fault, this is FedoraMaster :b:98 and his Developers.

Your Local Friendly Senator


You’re the opposite of fucking frendly. You basically just said let’s let the citizens result to crime and not help them.