Resignation of District Court Justice Andorks

Hello all,
I am here to tell you why I am retiring, and leave from Roblox completely. Recently, I have taken a leave from Roblox. Ever since this leave, I have realized that there is much more to life than a block game. Within that week, I have learned so much about myself. I encourage you all to take a week off of Roblox. See what you learn about yourself in that time. Thank you for entrusting me within the Courts system. Below is the people I want to thank.

  • AmerlcanLaw (Hawk): Thank you for recommending me to become a Court Justice, even if it took 6 months for me to actually be nominated.
  • Nehxtro (Disordio): Thank you for actually nominating me. Words can’t show how much I appreciate this man.
  • MisterGermanAidan: Being a great friend, and helping me through any problems that may arise.
  • thekerbal: My nomination partner, you have helped me so much from my transition to the crappy Rockport Courts to the glorious Firestone Courts.
  • MrShibe: being daddy shibe :heart_eyes:
  • TitanNation: idk dude your cool tho
  • floatmanjason: you seem like your antisocial but you were cool when you actually talked to people
  • Marstar148AltTemp: We graduated POST together admitted some things that people probably shouldn’t know about me
  • CodexJosh: being the dude that kept V2 and life interesting for me
  • xKoytoPenguin: Definitely last and least, the penguin of koyto
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wow, I don’t even know what Koyto means in my name lmao


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you’ve given me so much


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thx daddy flash

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btw i recommend mistergermanaidan to replace me @ovg


I’ll miss you man, you are one of my favorite DCJs.

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I’ll miss you Andork!!! You will be remembered as a true penguin. :sob:



there goes the only relatable person i have in the judicial system

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Yup. He was one of Firestone’s finest.

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I agree, damn good judge.

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They should put a picture of former Judge Andorks in the Judicial Center.


We got confirmed together, I’ll never forget that day. I’ll miss you, you were an amazing judge, goodbye and good luck to wherever you go next!

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Ill love showing up to your cases! You were the best damn judge. Carry on your legacy. I love you man.

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Bye Daddy Love u forever :heart:

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He called you AmericanLaw in the forum, so not really sure about that.

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thx mr law

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Thanks man, means a lot

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thx brother