Representatives - REPRESENTATIVES OF WHO?!

As people said above, they have the choice to use the forums to present their opinion, just as we did.

we elected you. at least the county governments listen to the people cough macks impeachment failed because we listened to the people

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Not everyone has access to the forum and not everyone chooses to use the forum. Stop using that as support for their voices not being able to be heard.

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Alright, they had the chance to ask to be yielded at the joint session, as some did.

They also had many ways on discord, DMs, and PMs.

i’d also like to point out;

most of the comments on this thread is support, barely anyone saying no. over 30 supports, and almost no arguments.

A petition is made for supports not arguments or opposition.

But they have the full right to oppose to it on that petition, as three or four individuals did.

Shut up, I don’t want the county government abolished because with a skilled leader cough @Ash1835 cough we could get somewhere. My opinion will drown in your false claims anyways as @Brotix pointed out. Wanna know why I had my mouth closed? Because no one wants to be insulted for saying their thoughts.

You have a much larger platform creating a petition that goes against the abolishment. It’s not proper to oppose on a document that is only meant for one thing: support.

Then why was a forum not created or posted on to oppose the petition?

If your opinion drowned out the false claims, you would not be insulted. It’s a debate, not a playground flame war.

Ash did awesome as a great leader, but ONLY ash did awesome. That is a problem, a heavy problem in fact.

And if there was, ( I might be wrong ) link me please.

I didn’t know there had to be.

There doesn’t need to be, but if they are so vocal and have many opinions to keep the county, why haven’t they spoke out?

Why did only two or three ask to get yielded at the session, and why did only a selection of individuals oppose on the petition itself.

I understand what you’re getting at, but where are they??

  1. You really don’t know how many asked to get yielded to at the session.

  2. I thought I just discussed that…?

  3. Why are you asking me where they are?

not really good on a political standpoint if you plan on re-running