Remove/Raise max time limit for cuffs

So a suspect shoots six people and he is finally out of ammo. LEOs get him into custody, for FIFTEEN MINUTES, after SIX First Degree Murder charges. Whatever the reason, 15 minutes is not enough time to be the maximum for LEOs to give. Hell, a good YouTube video is 15 minutes, so after a suspect buries six people, he gets only a YouTube video worth of time in jail? I think the 900 second limit is not enough. Either make the maximum sentence like 45 minutes to an hour (Remember, this is MAXIMUM time), or just remove the max time limit altogether (probably not the best idea but what the Hell). This gives criminals something to think about. Also, the maximum court sentence is 72 hours, so this isn’t a horrible idea.


Nice analogy. I feel like redwhiteandpew does that when he’s in prison.


No. No. And no.

These are charges not convictions. Take it to court like you’re supposed to do, and they get an actual sentence.


I agree!

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Nah, While that is a decent idea You can’t forget it’s a game and everyone wants to have fun in it…45 minutes to 60 minutes is a way too long to be in prison plus…if we go to court we can get up to frickin 48 real hours or more in jail…And don’t forget people who do a crime like I don’t even have toe cash to constantly do shootings because we don’t earn that much money. For an illegal AK-47, it’s 4,600$ and we earn like 8$ Every two minutes not to mention in jail you earn even LESS and don’t forget when we get a 2-month warrant…I Mean my god I’ve had my warrant since like Feb and it’s been nothing but a PAIN sad to say…Cough cough DANNY!, Anyways Every time I spawn some dumb DHS officer arrest me so I barely have any time to play Firestone… so

Warrant + Court time (Can be 48 hours or more), is bad enough crap. and heck if you kill 6 people you definitely asking for a 2-month warrant if someone gets proof of you doing it. So eh pretty good idea but I’d say NO At most 20 minutes in jail.


This is why we have a justice system.


No body has time to fucking take 20 people to court in one week, every week. You’re crazy if you think LEO’s are gonna waste their time on a dam little court case when the time limit can just be increased.


The purpose of this is so that the appropriate agency [Department of Justice] will prosecute for the criminal offense. If the arrest time is heightened then the need for Judge and/or jury would be redundant.


cough When a leo goes to court, I believe an attorney working for state takes over for you. Doesn’t really waste time to submit a court case and even a warrant on the submission center.

Its like doing SCSO reports. Doesn’t take long.


Thought you have to be there?

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Not anymore I don’t think. The state takes over. I did one and they were like, “Ye our professional prosecutor is taking over”

im like, kbye


Awful idea, technically you go to jail to wait for your sentence in court, the courts can give longer sentences but you need proof. It is simple if you want em locked up for 40 minutes submit a case.


Just to be clear, I am saying raise the limit to like 45 minutes to an hour, the court can still give out 72 hour max sentences, it just makes more sense to be able to put people in for more time, especially when they have multiple charges that equate to over 900 seconds.

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Anyways I agree.

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or just sue the suspect…?

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This is what the justice system is for.