Removal of Bail Feature

Us as Law Enforcement Officers within the Park Service, State Patrol, Sheriff’s Office, Redwood Police Department, and so on, have recently been witnessing a decline in activity from the Department of Corrections and general LEO encounters with civilians. There’s been countless concerns about this from a decent amount of people. With our thoughts, we don’t think it would be feasible to keep this as most people will merely bail out after committing said crimes.

If people are convicted of said crime(s), charged with a charge by the courts, or even charged with some sort of Felony, they will merely get right back out of jail. Us as Law Enforcement Officer, don’t like this update simply because of the cons that it brings to the Law Enforcement and Civilian side of things.

The Department of Corrections already feel as if they’re useless already and simply adding this update makes us think even worse. We can’t do any sort of activity such as doing soup for people, prisoner transport makes no sense if they’re going to bail out once we get to the prison, we can’t do visitation cause they’ll just bail out once again. If you go to any DOC chat or ask any Correctional Officer, majority of them will side with this. this should be taken into account.

There’s SO MANY CONS with this update and I hope this would be taken into consideration cause there’s a decline in DOC and general LEO encounters because of this.


my name is T0XIC_R3DACT3D - and i approve and sign this petition.


not to mention certain criminals (although few) become very unbearable because they dont care if they get arrested saying theyll just bail out once you catch them

doc also has no more interaction with inmates; the whole soup system isn’t even used so nobody even calls them on for soup (like some crims used to)

doc basically got replaced for 25R$


Well said. I vote… AYE! This is getting utterly ridiculous


I agree with this statement.


I support this 1000%, just a cash grab and it makes it worth nothing arresting big time criminals.


Fed won’t revert this feature cause it’s keeping his money vault full, certain notorious no-life criminals who don’t know what grass looks like constantly use up their mum’s credit card to get out every time they get arrested.

It does make it extremely unplayable and unbearable to play with these same criminals who just consistently annoy the fuck out of everyone and beg for attention, “arrest them then” doesn’t work anymore, not to mention there’s little to no moderation on these little kids.


this bail shit goofy remove it


inb4 fed closes this forum :laughing:


I support it, but I don’t see why the Fed would remove it; at the end of the day, it’s just extra cash. My suggestion would be to add a few hours of cooldown so you can only bail out every few hours or something like that.


for realzers, fedora said that if it wasn’t for firestone being popular, then he would probably quit roblox


i support this


The courts can charge criminals for more than 15 minutes


Submit warrants if you want people to serve time. Bail only applies to those sentenced to under 20 minutes.


The warrant system requires an abundance of evidence in order to get a warrant, not to mention it takes extremely long to get processed and is too long of a process to start in the first place.


Proof beyond a reasonable doubt. In other words a shooter needs to have their name showing when they’re killing a bunch of people.


A warrant requires a level of proof that isn’t applicable for like 7/10 situations. Not to mention, we don’t issue warrants for petty crimes because it takes more time for us to write out the warrant than they’d serve normally. Warrants are not a substitute for in game jail. They were designed, and should be designed, for situations where LEOs can’t catch a criminal or the criminal is being a particular shitter. If the game now has a function that every criminal can be a shitter, that’s a problem.

I like the suggestion by atom where there’s a cooldown on how many times you can bail out in a given time. I feel that’s a fair comrpomise.


Generally speaking and some charge(s) like Danny don’t charge since it’s petty and whatnot. If we won’t remove the bail out feature, merely put a cooldown or something in place.


Cooldown = fed making less money = not happening


increase bail amount and/or add cooldown as mentioned before