Release Regarding NotoriousAmerican, ET AL v. The Precedent of District Judge 1superchris2, ET AL

On the eve of April 22nd, 2018 The Firestone State Supreme Court held an important hearing on this case regarding if state laws apply at the Peace Officer Standards and Training campus. Today, April 23rd, 2018, the Court has come to a verdict. The Court rules that all laws and regulations of the State of Firestone apply at the POST Campus. However, certain laws that conflict with reasonable operating procedures may be ineligible to be prosecuted in all courts to prevent undue burden on the training of our vital law enforcement officers. POST Cadets therefore may be subject to training involving the use of tasers, batons, or mace against them in a training capacity by POST Instructors, as one example. By applying to POST the Court finds these cadets are consenting to such training. Another statement is that training accidents with vehicles and such that involve no malice or intent shall also be ineligible for prosecution in all courts. The Court encourages cadets that disagree with these conditions to leave the POST.

FIoatmanjason, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

DannyboyLaw, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court


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