Reflection after an extensive leave

When I first joined the state of Firestone I was a freshman in high school. A naive kid who loved everything related to Fed and the groups he made. I have had a lot of growing and new life moments since the beginning of Firestone. With the birth of a kid, loss of a father, and other life lessons I just want to reflect on what Firestone is to each and everyone in it. It may be a game and not more important than the more memorable things in life, but this group has brought many people fortune and joy. With the new year coming up what is it that you see yourself doing five years from now? If I had asked myself this before leaving Firestone 5 years ago I wouldn’t have even imagined how my life has turned out. This group may not be a big deal, we may not have a legacy in this group, but this group has went from a April fools joke so many years ago to a thriving community that has surpassed every group and community like it. I know this post is random, but I want to hear your stories of building Firstone. While developers and admins may be the foundation each and everyone of us have made Firestone into what it is today!


I enjoy the game. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be here. My only issue is it gets addictive at times and people need to know when to step back and take a break, myself included.


I hate this game



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firestone has been a lot of fun, joined in 2021 because i had heard good things from friends then ended up doing a lot of shit for firestone medical lol


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