Recall this, recall that

rants with cooldude

hey guys, I’ve never really made posts like this or had the desire to, but the state of politics in this community has fallen to hot shit, more than ever before in my opinion.

politics is always going to have drama, it’s just human nature, especially when you take a large group of degenerate teenagers hungry for power, I’m not denying that. however, the “incidents” that have been surfacing as of late are just an absolute shit show over nothing. let me explain.

the brnaq incident

this has got to be one of the most stupid things I’ve ever seen in Firestone politics. back then, if people found out that someone snitched, yeah sure they’d get flamed in general chat, but never did I think an entire recall would happen. it’s not like this recall was a shitpost, the shit ended up getting around 30 people to sign, which is 60% of what’s required to legally recall someone from office.

when i first came across what happened and looked into everything, i formed my own opinion based off what I’ve seen and heard, as I’m not really active in the state anymore. i wrote my opinion about it to brnaq, and i still stand by what i said about how he handled it. but as time goes on, I’m starting to see the real reason behind what happened. it became more “I’m bored lets put this kid on a stake” rather than actually addressing what he did. the people whom which were signing this petition were people just bored or have a vendetta against their political opponent, which I know a lot about.

during my experience in 2021 and 2022 in firestone politics, me and a specific individual would always go back and forth and go after each other for the stupidest shit. I’m not gonna lie, i was guilty of it too. but what has changed from then to now is that the community is starting to care less about whats actually going on, and just want to hop on the bandwagon. could this be a reason why so many people are being driven away from holding office? it definitely is a contributor, as people don’t want the whole state to hate them based off of stuff that isn’t that deep.

i’d hate to bring names into this, but there is a very specific individual who I talked to regarding this when I was first checking up on the drama. this person was indeed in full support of the recall, and we’d actively discuss our opinions about it in voice chat or general chat. however this person began to run for office, so likely began calling it just a “joke” in an attempt to clear his name from his political stance. you can’t just influence people to shun a member of our house, then switch up overnight because there is some opposition to your cause. its literally the definition of “its just a prank bro” after doing the most outlandish thing possible. that alone just says it all

state of politics in firestone

I’m not breaking any news here, but the state of our public offices are just absolute dogshit. the more this dumb shit happens, the more people that are driven away from participating or keeping track of political operations.

a somewhat minor controversy does NOT constitute recalls just for the hell of it. people are just tired of seeing that shit.

people will take the slightest disagreement they have with a politician and begin calling for them to get fired just because they don’t like them, so why would people want to continue to do work for our state if their just gonna get thrown out over some bullshit?

i feel like people have gotten so soft over the years, just flame whoever you want to flame and be done with it, there’s absolutely no need to prolong it this far.

tl;dr - the brnaq recall was people bored and beef with him. people care more ab trolling than actually doing the game functions and its driving people away


Not reading allat


On baby on bible


Spill the tea, who is it (jk)


recall these nuts in your mouth


i volunteer for this opportunity


I don’t think the recall was just for him reporting people to DPS

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