Re-Elect TateSnowy 4 House


Hello, I’m TateSnowy. I’m currently re-running for a position in the House of Representatives of Firestone. Having been in and out of Firestone for many years I know the importance of having good representation for this community. I am very grateful to have everyone’s support in the past and I look forward to meeting some new House Representatives this term. I look forward for being able to represent all of you and to make these important Legislative discissions. I am excited to work in the House of Representatives again with the amazing people of Firestone and I have some great plans for the future I would love to bring to the table. I am asking for your support, thank you!


  • House Rep
  • POST Cert
  • DOC Corrections Employee
  • Arborfield City Official
  • Business Owner of GasX

Thank you for your Support!

Signed, TateSnowy

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Le support #1


i support

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i support this on gang


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I support


I’m excited to support Tatesnowy for the House of Representatives in Firestone. His commitment to our community is unparalleled, and he has consistently demonstrated strong leadership skills. Tatesnowy understands the needs of our citizens and is dedicated to making positive changes that benefit everyone.

What sets Tatesnowy apart is his ability to listen and engage with the people of Firestone. He has a unique talent for bringing diverse groups together and finding common ground. This inclusive approach ensures that all voices are heard and that our community’s best interests are always at the forefront of his work.

Tatesnowy’s vision for Firestone is one of progress and unity. He recognizes the challenges we face and has a clear plan to address them. From improving local infrastructure to enhancing educational opportunities, Tatesnowy is committed to creating a brighter future for all residents. His focus on economic development and job creation will help ensure that Firestone remains a vibrant and thriving community.

One of Tatesnowy’s key strengths is his dedication to transparency and accountability. He believes that elected officials should be accessible and responsive to the needs of their constituents. Tatesnowy is committed to maintaining an open dialogue with the community, regularly seeking input and feedback. This approach not only builds trust but also fosters a sense of collaboration and shared responsibility.

In addition to his professional qualifications, Tatesnowy brings a deep sense of empathy and compassion to his role. He understands the struggles that many families in Firestone face and is dedicated to advocating for policies that support and uplift those in need. His commitment to social justice and equality is evident in his work and his unwavering dedication to creating a more inclusive and equitable community.

Tatesnowy’s track record of success speaks for itself. He has a proven ability to navigate complex issues and deliver results. His leadership has already made a positive impact in Firestone, and I have no doubt that he will continue to do so as a member of the House of Representatives. Tatesnowy’s passion for public service and his unwavering dedication to our community make him the ideal candidate for this important role.

As we look to the future, it is clear that Tatesnowy has the vision, skills, and experience needed to lead Firestone to new heights. His commitment to positive change and his ability to bring people together are exactly what we need in our elected officials. I am confident that Tatesnowy will work tirelessly to represent the interests of all residents and to ensure that our community continues to thrive.

Let’s come together and vote for Tatesnowy, a true advocate for our future. His dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to our community make him the best choice for the House of Representatives. With Tatesnowy in office, we can look forward to a brighter, more prosperous future for Firestone.


D1 yap, thanks


I hereby rescind my support for this candidate.

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i support


support and endorse this man, out of all candidates, he is the most capable.

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