LtComms for Redwood City Council
Hello, citizens of Firestone, my name is LtComms, I have already served this city before and want to continue.
Legislative & Department Experience
- Stapleton County Council (Current)
- Redwood City Council
- Arborfield City Council
- DOT Public Employee
During my time in my municipal positions I have written many pieces of legislation, most of which have been passed and are still in effect such as a bill to raise the speed limit in Redwood Parking lots link , a bill to change the Redwood oath link , A bill to prevent harassment of a private business in Arborfield (before State) link , and last but not least a bill to prevent driving in the SCMC ambulance bay for Arborfield link .
If elected I will be coming back into office for Redwood, this means I can continue where I left off.
This includes,
Continue support for Redwood Businesses.
Continue proposing legislation that the city needs to be safe.
Continue being an active participating part of the council.
Thank you for reading.
Questions, comments, etc can be sent to either my DMS LtComms#8419 or in the comments, I will respond as fast as possible!