Re-elect BaconLaw12 to theRedwood City Council

Hey there! I’m BaconLaw12 and I’m running for Redwood City Council! You may know me as I currently served as a Alderman in the Redwood City Council. We accomplished a bunch but there is still stones left unturned and plenty that will need to get done.


Business Grants - I want to work with whomever the next Redwood Mayor may be to help and pass permeant support for businesses. As a business owner I know first hand how much of a struggle it can be to pay employees. We will make sure the business grants program is permeant and is protected.

Redwood Police Department - I will work with officers and see what needs to be done in the City of Redwood. I will talk with them about any types of ordinances that have to be passed, etc.

Voice of the People - I will be the voice of the people. I will hear the concerns of the residents in Redwood and work to meet their needs. I will make sure ever voice in Redwood is heard and that their concerns are promptly addressed and noticed.

Experience includes:
° DOT Employee
° Firestone Business Owner
° County Councilman


I support this candidate

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support… very kind man

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