Re-elect AydenJulien to the Senate!
(tl;dr at the end if you can’t be arsed, speech wonderfully organized for your viewing pleasure)
Hello all! In case you are unfamiliar, I’m AydenJulien (formerly 4y43n), but you can call me Ayden! I am currently a Senator that was elected under this special election.
When I first made it into the senate, I came with some pretty ambitious plans… However, I did my best to commit to these plans, and successfully wrote most of them! However, due to congressional delays, or disagreements, not all of them have passed yet. Fret not, however, as I still intend to move forward with my plans not already enacted by this congress and write laws that were planned.
As known prior, I have been a member of the State of Firestone for quite some time, originally starting as a criminal but rehabilitating and moving on to a better legal life, to help serve this state’s best interests. I have seen, experienced, and brought myself to knowledge on many facets of this community. Below are some of my experiences:
- Bar Certified Attorney (January 2023)
- Several Commercial experiences (Senior Employee of Spark’s Snow, Senior Employee & Legal Officer of Toys 4 Kidz, proud CEO of the Julien Family Bar)
- Department of Commerce Inspector
- Correctional Officer II
- City of Redwood Alderman
- Senator!
- and much more… (for a more expansive list of all my experiences, you can contact me @aydenexists via Discord, or ask here!)
Overview of Last Term
Throughout my term, I completed many of my promised plans (found here):
Actively participate in legislation (I was one of the most active legislators this term)
Amend the law to create an organized and fair system for civil liabilities relating to peace officers (failed the Senate)
Cadet rights! (proposed)
Prevent A Bill to Protect Drivers from Annoying Citizens from passing without considerations of actor intent and operator consent. (tabled)
Revise CC laws! (I have proposed several amendments to the criminal code, one of which has passed the senate and the other still awaiting senate)
Propose sanctions against Ridgeway and back a war effort if Ridgeway makes a genuine attempt to attack our soil. (while I hadn’t proposed the sanctions, I had backed them thoroughly, and backed any effort to protect our great state)
and much more (Proposed: A Bill to Fix Inferior Cabinets, An Act to Better POST’s Legal Curriculum)
Unfortunately, however, I didn’t get to do some of my plans. If I were to be re-elected, I would get most, if not all, of these plans enacted (or at least proposed… you know how congress can be sometimes…)
If I were to be elected, my plans are as follows:
- Hope to get my proposed laws through congress, to the wonderful people of Firestone.
- Pardon law. As mentioned before, these restrictions would not be too strict, but enough to check the executive from abuse.
- Continue to revise the CC for any concerns that may arise
- Open up a form to hear YOUR opinions, to see what YOU guys want. I am here to represent the best interests of the state, so I want to hear the problems that you guys’ encounter, and the changes you want to see.
- Bill to allow disgruntled POST/FFA certs to getting the decision overturned statutorily (throughout my term, I’ve spoken with many colleagues and agreed that most of the power would still be with POST/FFA at the end of the day of course)
- Continue to be incredibly active within Congress
- Work with the rest of Congress to attempt to get a revised LEAA through.
- Overall support the state through legislative duties
- and more…
In regard to the petition law, I promised to do in my last election, my colleagues in congress have already handled that!
Last Comments
In light of last election, like I said I wouldn’t, I didn’t leave mid-term. I stood by the Firestone people and was consistently working to progress FS to what is right!
Whether you like or dislike like me, I will work for your best interests as I always have. If you have any concerns, questions or comments through my terms, my DMs are always open even if we didn’t get off to a get start. Furthermore, if you have questions about electing me, this forum post is to your disposal!
Vote Ayden!
tl;dr: I have plenty of plans that are meant to benefit the State, I will be consistent, and I will continue to serve this great state as always.
Your support would be greatly supported, thank you for your time.