Rant (cut short from original copy)

Recently, we’ve had a drastic incline in the amount of people resigning, retiring, and leaving the community as a whole. In their different forums, they’ve explained how they’re all tired of the blatant mistreatment, bias, and overall neglect brought upon them. The toxicity and FRP that continues to plague the county is becoming unbearable. Our player count continues to decline as a result of the failure to act against the lack of roleplay and toxicity in the county. Why is it that cops and well-known criminals are punished harsher than the day-to-day FRPers? Why do I, as a law enforcement officer, continue to get logged on by the same people?

Here, I have an example of an individual who was successfully banned 8 times and was still allowed to play Stapleton County. The amount of times he was banned was left undiscovered by the people who are supposed to be ensuring that these people received the proper punishment for their wrongdoing, until I myself searched his name on Trello.

For the preservation of the county itself, I propose harsher punishments for those who FRP, stop giving them so many chances when they’re clearly not comprehending the repercussions for their actions. And can we find a way to prevent banned accounts from using alts, especially when they’re quite obviously alts used by semi-well-known people.

Aside from our in-county problems, we also have quite few problems with our government and internal community. Over the past few months, I’ve noticed people simply want to get in office because they…
A. Want money
B. Want the title for their resume
C. Are bored
D. Want SS protection

There was a time in Firestone, long ago, where people actually ran for office to represent and actually help the people.

I initially had much much more written but I opted to delete it, maybe another time. This just a random thought that came to me so I decided to rant.

tl;dr I’m not really happy in Firestone anymore, and I’m sure many others aren’t either.


basically, firestone’s overall quality has been declining and there’s so much we can do, but we choose not to act. it’s just sad to see firestone reach conditions such as the ones we’re in now.


Im not happy with Firestone either.

Modern Society is too accepting of different types of people, I wish we still had the mindset of the 50s/60s!

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I’d have to say that I completely agree with you on this Canine. To be honest, I don’t even know who the hell is in Congress right now and it’s very concerning that we don’t even have to vote for our Representatives and Senators, as there are simply not enough people running.
I also do see problems with FRP returning again and again. It’s getting a bit tiring to be honest. The tough thing here is going to be finding fixes for this, though.
Especially the problem with Congress can hardly be fixed. Moderation could maybe be a bit stricter to prevent FRP.

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@anon89270917 @Skeletron19YT before you get into a stupid communist debate get off my forum please, thank you.


why i left fs entireley


its really starting to become a problem, and i dont think our own founder realizes it


firestone is horrible


Former game mod grumble grumble grumble.
Past policy was that if you cross checked the Trello archives and they came up with numerous past bans for LTAA, RTAA, logging, FRP, etc, they would be permanently banned.
I’m not sure if that policy is still in place; it really should be. If not, that’s definitely problematic, and needs to be addressed.


I agree.

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ROBLOX is getting boring itself ngl


Cant agree more. Only reason I don’t leave is I’d like to not leave 2 years of work behind for nothing. And I’d have nothing to do.


While I can’t comment on the political matters, the FRPers are insane. It is actually impossible to enjoy the game from any perspective anymore (citizen, LEO, GO, Criminal). Every server is shit past 25 people. You can’t stand in any public place without 15 idiots just ramming you and others 24/7. Then you waste bullets (and therefore money) shooting them; from there one of two things happens: a), they die, re spawn the car, and continue, or b), you cause their car to catch fire and they respawn it again. This isn’t even talking about the loggers and general FRP (flipping in pursuit, the retards who just do hits every 3 seconds, etc.).

So some suggestions:

  1. If your car gets disabled and set on fire via shooting, it shouldn’t be respawnable for say 20 minutes.
  2. Make LTAA offenses more severe. Instead of the system now where you get three chances before the perm ban, make it two. You get two temp. bans then you’re gone.
  3. Make general FRP that is disruptive to the games processes a instant 2-3 day ban. All FRP is pretty much met with a kick. Ramming scenes and flipping ambos and DOT? Kick. Copbaiting? Kick. If the FRP disrupts the game enough it should be punished with a ban. I’ve seen several other communities (including ones I’m a GM for) do this and it works perfectly.
  4. Hire more Game Mods. Really, we need a GM for each large server, it’s that bad.
  5. Whitelist or do payed access. I know Fed has said no like three times, but my God please just make the game like 25 robux access. Many members of the community have said they are willing to fund decent players who can’t afford it.

The problem we have is that the group administration is clearly prioritizing profit and plays over the community that makes the games worth anything. That needs to stop.




This is why I’ve started criticizing the judiciary and moving away from Firestone. It’s frankly just annoying to the point where even being an attorney is useless at some points.

I haven’t heard of even the names of representatives besides Rine and those that served last term, so I’ll just assume a shitshow is gonna happen

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When v2 was paid accuse the RP was legendary - Alpha players


Benefits for paid access

Less exploiters
Less FRPers who cop-baits
less loggers because they just spent money on fs
Less work for game mod
Less stress for LEOs
Less amount of LEOs getting annoyed and going offline
Maybe more rp


Game moderator regulations state that after 3 prior bans, individuals will be permanently banned from the State. I haven’t been keeping tabs on the game moderators within the past month or two as I had expected them to maintain quality prior to me losing track of them. I will address this to them, but it is important to note that it is getting increasingly difficult to moderate the game especially when you’re trying to keep a group of people you can trust not to fuck up the servers.

Yes, v2 has had problems with individuals doing buttfuck whatever they want with limited development. Within the past couple of months, I have attempted to push updates to prevent many of these issues, but not in full. For example, the introduction of vehicles catching on fire, then being disabled means that they will have to respawn their car, then haul ass at 4 studs per second to the nearest gas station, which is intended to be a pain in the ass. Another update that was included was the broken bones, to prevent people from just going on top of roofs, calling SCFD, then walking away. They would break their bones so they wouldn’t be able to drive vehicles, or in general fuck around with SCFD.

v2 is optimized poorly, it’s been worked on by multitude of scripters, whom they all don’t share the same the chemistry. Fixing one thing will break another thing and it’s all a general mess. Hence the introduction of v3, where I aim to implement as many roleplay aspects into development, rather than just making a “guide” for people to read.

I’ve improved on v2 without pay for plenty of months. In fact, before I became a fully-fledged v3 developer, I was without pay for quite some time. Clearly I don’t prioritize profit as you state I do.

There is nothing that can be done in terms of v2 with regards to the constant FRP besides getting more game moderators and maybe doing small updates here and there. Like I said, I’m putting a majority of my focus in v3 to literally fix all the issues v2 has had.


There has been a solution discussed many times and that is PAID ACCESS. It doesn’t even have to be much; 20 robux for example. If there is so much good tech in Firestone, people will muster up 20 robux to play and have a QUALITY TIME in the State. Then, if they FRP or troll around, they risk being banned and losing that money. There is more on the line than making alternate accounts to troll around.

There’s the argument of “oh no, I can’t pay for it and I’m in a department” if they’re in a department already, I believe they should be able to request payment just like for uniforms. It’s just frustrating that you cannot stop the FRPers and Trollers, even with the best technology in the planet. That’s when we have to take a few compromises and make it a paid access deal to prevent that.

I’ve heard that Alpha and Beta of V2 was a BREEZE and so much RP thrived despite not a lot of technology. That’s because there were no alternate accounts or just general trollers reaking havoc amoung the actual GOOD roleplayers.

tl;dr Hear out the good RPers of Firestone who feel FS should be paid access. It will HELP limit the amount of chaos in the state due to FRP. It may not solve the problem completely, but it’s another barrier which those seeking to ruin our roleplay and reputation will have to deal with. QUALITY > QUANTITY do you want to have 5000 FRPers or 500 really good roleplayers?

What’s your thoughts on this?


You can keep arguing for paid access, sorry to break it to you but none of the three founders are going to permit it.

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