Radar in the car

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OH, but yeah they work at any speed, they just turn it off and on when they need it


yeah ik but there needs to be a line between it being realistic vs. it being fair/not OP


ok but its literally just for speeding, it’s not an insane buff that’ll be game changing, it’s just stupid that we have to clock someone outside of our vehicle, click a tiny little door handle to get in, spam R and hope that we can catch up to the speeder. Where in real life, you hold out your radar gun in your car, when you see a speeder you pull out and start driving immediately


i support sitting on the side of the road and being able to do it right in ur vehicle, but it’d be OP imo if the radar worked while you were going 100 and doing radar at the same time to figure out other peoples speeds


its realistic but it’d be unbalanced and overpowered. requiring LEOs to park and exit their car to use the radar strikes a fair balance, really is not that much of an inconvinience.