Question for Firestone Legislators

Im a Ex legislator now, but served as the county executive for 1 term, the county chairman for one term, 2 council terms, 2 prom district terms, was the RW CA and write endlessly and drone on for the DOJ and private legal practice-

You learn from experience. I read a looooot of legislation, and took formatting ideas as well as wordings from other more experienced legislators.

Other then that, you learn over time. Its a learning curb if your not used to writing, let alone writing meticiously so that it satisfies both the purpose for the law and so that it is legally sound

Also, not to down on city/prom district attorneys, but a second opinion outside of them is usually a good idea. not saying theyre bad at their jobs but they usually miss things, and I speak from experience on that (Both as a former city attorney and reading stuff they passed when I was CE that was atrocious)


No one cares Superman.


dyingsimp no one asked for ur input


no we didn’t we discovered that day 1 and told you about it constantly


For general formatting, you just look at recent, passed legislation by qualified authors. Certain types of legislation are unique, though. Obviously, my area of expertise is criminal law. The way I wrote criminal statutes in terms of defining offenses, codifying them, etc. is basically just looking at real life criminal codes, the best example being Title 18.I of the United States Code


nobody TOLD ME THAT i wasnt in congress by the time everyone discovered it


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