Question about rating posts

I don’t care if this is a shitpost or something just wanted to ask a question since no one ever replies on the state of firestone discord to your questions…


How do I rate a post? Maybe someone can send me a screenshot of how I rate one, Can’t find a way to rate it and it says a user can rate a post.

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It only applies to development topics as a way to show support. The way is works is you go to #development:dev-suggestions find a suggestion, go to reply, and in the upper left hand corner you’ll see a box to rate things.

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I’ll leave this thread open for a bit. If you can gather enough people with supports that want a rating system on a different category, you are more than welcome to do so. Just let me know.


I support this, as giving likes and all is okay but it doesn’t give enough information. Maybe we just want to say a few words and not give a speech, a improved rating system (similar to the one in Suggestions) would be nice to have.

Support on this for Bills being created, to see the publics opinion on the bill.


Stop or your account will be suspended @Techiey