PvPParasite County Councilman

Hi there, I’m PvP. Hopefully you’ve seen me around a bit.

I am seeking to run on a fairly simple platform, but first a little about me.

I am employed with the Stapleton County Fire Department and have served for over two years, attaining the position of Lieutenant of a company. I have also been serving in the Firestone Department of Health as a Paramedic In Charge for quite some time now. I believe that many of my peers would attest to my unique and effective take on leadership.

I consistently keep an open mind, and am willing to make sacrifices, even at the detriment of myself, for the betterment of my subordinates. However, make no mistake, in a public office, there are no subordinates, only equals who want the same things that I do. Well… What do I want?

I want an active county council, that visits new and exciting ideas instead of being scared of them and sticking to the “same ol”. Even if not everything works out, we have to see what works, or what the Council and the people want. There are many opportunities that the county has not even glossed over, but completely ignored because of the inactivity of the Council. I have confirmed this with key County Officials, the council is the reason things are not getting done. There are only a couple of councilmen that carry the workload, and they need help.

Simply, I’m not promising jack! We need a fresh look into the opportunities we have to visit new ideas for the county involving our departments, our businesses, and our internal operations, and I’m excited to be able to do so, and chat with other citizens about what they may or may not be interested in.

After all, this is a special election, kind of out of the blue, we just need someone to fill the position for a couple months after all. If it goes well, I’ll consider re-running.

If you have questions on specific ideas I might have don’t hesitate to shoot me a DM and I’d be happy to talk with you.

Remember PvPParasite when you cast your votes.

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Great to work with as CE. I support

support !!!


